Chomsky & Churchill

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In a truly democratic environment where unfettered free speech is practiced, Ward Churchill ought to indeed be given full license to enter any university he pleases and rant on about how the 9/11 victims were all miniature versions of Adolf Eichmann, the monster who implemented Hitler’s “Final Solution.”

Similarly, MIT’s liberal darling, Noam Chomsky, who praised the work of Professor Churchill in the Denver Post as being “excellent, penetrating and of high scholarly quality” and penned the introduction to a book by Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson, ought to be able to continue to hop from campus to campus with his own coma-inducing road show. Hard-partying college students need their sleep, and Chomsky will make sure that they get at least an hour of it.

**And in any sane, real-world environment, these two clowns would be laughed off the stage and strapped into a giggle jacket as a parting gift. But the problem is that universities bear no resemblance to the real world. They are certainly not venues for the free and open exchange of ideas. They are vacuum-sealed, ideological factories fueled by liberal groupthink.

With the likes of Churchill and Chomsky being the norm in academia, there is no one challenging this lunacy. Conservatives have long been effectively blacklisted in academic circles. Free speech is a great thing, but it doesn’t truly exist if one side is perpetually and systemically excluded from the debate.**

One of the world’s top pollsters – Frank Luntz, who has been praised by the Right and the Left (and even Air America radio host Al Franken) for his work – conducted a study of Ivy League professors. He found that 79 percent deemed George W. Bush to be “too conservative,” compared with only 38 percent in the national sample; only 3 percent called themselves “Republican”; and 84 percent voted for Al Gore over George W. Bush in the 2000 presidential election.

Colleges seem to define “diversity” as having one leftist of each possible skin color on the faculty. It’s this kind of shallow thinking that ultimately results in college grads who – when later faced with logical conservative counter-arguments in the real world – can only respond with bumper-sticker slogans, protest marches or parroted rhetoric.

Shock jocks and loudmouth entertainers aren’t a real threat to anyone. They’re merely products that exist out there in the free market – capable of being hired and fired by the public.
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