Jesus Christ is true God and true Man. He is not God and Man and Animal.Did Christ become one with mankind, and nature? I have asked my friend with a green thumb this question, and it has been on my mind.
Jesus Christ is true God and true Man. He is not God and Man and Animal.Did Christ become one with mankind, and nature? I have asked my friend with a green thumb this question, and it has been on my mind.
Awww…look at the fuzzy widdle kitties! Anyway, this proves that we have an awesome responsibility, as persons with rational souls, to protect and uphold our neighbors dignity in all aspects of natural life, as well as other lesser creatures, which are also created by God. For if animals have the capacity to protect one another, how much infinitly more should we, being made in God’s image…youtube.com/watch?v=nK5uPBF-s5Y&feature=channel_page
This is what we should all be about, I think. God is love and this demonstrates that love.
Well said. And completely right, I think. There is a distinction between most living things, and those for which suffering is a reality. Many animals suffer pain, terror, and grief. We should always remember that our stewardship extends to care of God’s created animals. If God loves His creation, He surely is not pleased with those who cause unnecessary suffering.No, it must be that human beings have an intrinsic dignity above all other created things and because of this, we have an awesome responsibility to be good stewards towards the rest of creation, not cruel masters or careless caretakers.
Christ called Himself the Good Shepherd…that must mean he felt that people and animals had something in common
He rode on a donkey…he talked about the birds being fed by the Providence of God…I think he must have liked animals a bit
That is a reasonable but staggeringly broad definition of the word soul and one that most people would have problems with. Few Christians would equate the same word that refers to our immortal being for which Christ died as the same type of entity that animates a flower.
I’m not arguing that this is what the Church says or even that that is one definition of the word soul. I’m just saying it does little to enlighten this discussion.