I was Reading the Dairy of Saint Faustina where she said that a poor beggar came to the gate for food and she gave him soup, then she realised it was Jesus… he said he wanted to experience mercy for himself…
This strikes me as very strange… so I ask
would it not be against catholic teaching to say Jesus would come in the flesh before his second coming?
I know many experiences with Jesus have been mystical in visions etc, but I have not heard of Jesus come in the flesh … and wondered could anyone shed light on this as i hope I’m wrong, and it has an explanation
This strikes me as very strange… so I ask
would it not be against catholic teaching to say Jesus would come in the flesh before his second coming?
I know many experiences with Jesus have been mystical in visions etc, but I have not heard of Jesus come in the flesh … and wondered could anyone shed light on this as i hope I’m wrong, and it has an explanation
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