Christian Attitudes towards Homosexuals

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There are so many threads about defining homosexuality and what aspects of homosexuality are sinful, etc. Why don’t we practice some of our Christian principles and just say brief positive things about how we should deal with homosexuals in our daily life.

  1. I think it’s safe to say we shouldn’t call people ‘homosexual’ or any vulgar alternative.
  2. A Christian should not threaten a homosexual, verbally or physically.
  3. Our general approach to homosexuals should be to uphold their dignity as temples of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Scripture tells us to offer correction, if we have the sense to know the right time and place to offer it, and assuming that we might have something to offer, in the first place.
  5. Christians should not acquiesce to ganging up on homosexuals in any way.
There are so many threads about defining homosexuality and what aspects of homosexuality are sinful, etc. Why don’t we practice some of our Christian principles and just say brief positive things about how we should deal with homosexuals in our daily life.

  1. I think it’s safe to say we shouldn’t call people ‘homosexual’ or any vulgar alternative.
  2. A Christian should not threaten a homosexual, verbally or physically.
  3. Our general approach to homosexuals should be to uphold their dignity as temples of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Scripture tells us to offer correction, if we have the sense to know the right time and place to offer it, and assuming that we might have something to offer, in the first place.
  5. Christians should not acquiesce to ganging up on homosexuals in any way.
You can’t have a discussion about people who have a sexual attraction towards their own sex without having a name for them. That is not vulgar or inappropriate… unless you define them as human beings solely on that basis.

Our problem is that we live in a world where homosexual behavior is accepted, even though we do not accept it, and in a society in which others who do not accept us nevertheless have to live with us. So we have to find a path that honors the dignity of every person without endorsing what it is our duty to adamantly discourage. If we can’t manage Christian behavior within that, we must at the very least behave in a manner that would not amount to persecution, were it turned around on us. When the matter is as grave as abortion, the path becomes even more treacherous.

The early Church had only her own members to worry about, correct, and discipline. She had little power in the affairs of government, or in establishing the taboos and expectations of the wider society. Even in the wider society, no one in the ancient world expected others outside their group to show respect by feigning agreement. We are in a secular democracy, one with some strange ideas about what respect means. It is a new ball game, and a weird playing field it is!
There are so many threads about defining homosexuality and what aspects of homosexuality are sinful, etc. Why don’t we practice some of our Christian principles and just say brief positive things about how we should deal with homosexuals in our daily life.

  1. I think it’s safe to say we shouldn’t call people ‘homosexual’ or any vulgar alternative…
What do we call them? I didn’t think homosexual was a perjorative term. I’d agree with something like fag or queer although, like blacks, they reserve the right to call themselves anything.
  1. A Christian should not threaten a homosexual, verbally or physically…
Obviously. Why would this even need to be stated?
  1. Our general approach to homosexuals should be to uphold their dignity as temples of the Holy Spirit…
I agree with the philosophy but I cannot imagine how we would do this in practice. Maybe you can give a specific.
  1. Scripture tells us to offer correction, if we have the sense to know the right time and place to offer it, and assuming that we might have something to offer, in the first place…
Sure but again, this suggests a level of intimacy in that we apparently know about and would thus be comfortable discussing someone’s private life.
  1. Christians should not acquiesce to ganging up on homosexuals in any way.
Do you see this happening? I don’t.

Sorry but I’m a bit confused by this entire post.

Lisa N
  1. I think it’s safe to say we shouldn’t call people ‘homosexual’ or any vulgar alternative.
The term ‘homosexual’ is proper and not perjorative. Homophobic and heterophobic are offensive to the English language.
  1. A Christian should not threaten a homosexual, verbally or physically.
That is a truism. A Christian shouldn’t threaten any human being or animal, vegetable, or mineral.
  1. Our general approach to homosexuals should be to uphold their dignity as temples of the Holy Spirit.
If only homosexuals themselves would do that to each other, instead of the violent and perverse use they subject the temple of the Holy Spirit.
  1. Scripture tells us to offer correction, if we have the sense to know the right time and place to offer it, and assuming that we might have something to offer, in the first place.
Homosexuality is not a preference, it is not a race, religion, ethnic group, or the third sex. Homosexuality is not another form of heterosexuality, and homosexuality does need correction.
  1. Christians should not acquiesce to ganging up on homosexuals in any way.
Nor should homosexuals dominate Catholic seminaries giving bad reviews to heterosexuals; nor should homosexuals abuse children and defend that abuse.
James Cody:
A Christian shouldn’t threaten any human being or animal, vegetable, or mineral.

Does this mean I can’t hate cauliflower and sweet potatoes? Because those things are just disgusting…and I dont’ mind telling them that, too. 😉

Scout :tiphat:
James Cody:
A Christian shouldn’t threaten any human being or animal, vegetable, or mineral.

Does this mean I can’t hate cauliflower and sweet potatoes? Because those things are just disgusting…and I dont’ mind telling them that, too. 😉

Scout :tiphat:
Not as disgusting as yogurt. 😦
I agree with all the above, except #1. Homosexual is not a slur, and I refuse to use the euphemism “gay”.
I’ll add a few of my own.
6. Christians should pray for homosexuals.
7. Christians should wish homosexuals the best (even if the homosexuals don’t wish it for themselves)
8. Christians should never give scandal to homosexuals by condoning their sinful behavior. This would be very uncharitable!
I’ll add a few of my own.
And I would, please, like to add one of my own:

We Christians should humbly and charitably and quietly and VERY FIRMLY let such people know that never, never will we let the Gospel be labeled “hate speech” in this country, with the subsequent terrible ramifications that we are seeing in Scandinavia and Canada.

God bless, 🙂

James Cody:
That is a truism. A Christian shouldn’t threaten any human being or animal, vegetable, or mineral.

If .
Can we just stop at CHristians shouldn’t threaten any human being or animal? I have an obsessive need to threaten vegtables. Those flippin’ orange Carrots just irritate me so much!:whacky: Don’t even get me started on igneous rocks!😛
BayCityRickL said:
1. I think it’s safe to say we shouldn’t call people ‘homosexual’ or any vulgar alternative.

I’m confused by what you mean since in the sentences below you yourself refer to people as homosexual. For instance “Our general approach to homosexuals …” Could you please explain?
Lisa N:
What do we call them? I didn’t think homosexual was a perjorative term. I’d agree with something like fag or queer although, like blacks, they reserve the right to call themselves anything.
The thing is that homosexuality is something bad, so it is OK to use a term that is negative to describe it. Adulterer isn’t too positive a term either but it accurately describes those who engage in adultery. Same with thief or murderer, etc. I do not support using the term “queer” since queer has a true meaning in the English language that has nothing to do with homosexuality. For the same but even stronger reasons I oppose using the term “gay.” “Fag” is an interesting issue and it came up in the New Oxford Review. Unfortunately the articles from the NOR perspective defending the word are no longer available online … at least I was not able to find them. But an article from the contrary perspective (which was actually published in the NOR, showing their “fair and balanced” nature) is:

I myself support the New Oxford Review on this issue.
The items in my original post were under the heading of “examples.” I asked the question so as to advance my own understanding, perhaps on the advice of people who have more experience than me.

When I suggested that homosexuals not be called homosexuals, I meant to suggest that calling a homosexual by that word, rather than using their name, for example. Or maybe, put it this way. The use of the term might be as infrequent as the term ‘heterosexual.’ My intent was to suggest to avoid namecalling or labelling.

To expand on that, we may know somebody who is or was having an affair. We wouldn’t address them as “Hey, adulterer!” and we wouldn’t very frequently address someone having pre-marital sex as “Hey, fornicator!” – as an illustration.

And, my question is based on the experience I had in my life of growing up and picking up some racial prejudice, and the backtracking I had to do mentally to root out all the shreds of racism from myself, as much as possible.

Or, to put it yet another way, how does a Christian avoid sin himself or herself in dealing with homosexuals who are increasingly more visible and more vocal in our society?
That is, if you agree that we should try to avoid sin, in the first place.
His Holiness the Pope has specifically written wthat violence done to persons presenting as homosexual is wrong adn to be deplored. The sinner is loved while the sin is reproved.
Hi guys!

The question of how a Christian is to deal with a sexually active homosexual person is a tough one that I find fraught with complications. Beyond vague and over-generalized statements, there is virtually no authoritative directive for how this is to be done. Let’s consider BayCityRickL’s statements one by one.
  1. I think it’s safe to say we shouldn’t call people ‘homosexual’ or any vulgar alternative.
The word “homosexual” has never struck me as pejorative in any sense. I always considered it more of a clinical description. Now, I understand due to the clarification what BayCityRickL meant. That we should not address a person as “homosexual” instead of using their proper name. I don’t think anyone talks like that, however. If you are going to refer to a person in such a manner, you would use a slur, like “queer” or “fag.”

Now, tuopaolo had some interesting things to say about using these words. He apparently dislikes the words “queer” and “gay” because they have other, non-slang meanings in the English language. From a strictly linguistic point of view, one should not use the term “homosexual” either as it is a word clumsily cobbled together from the Greek homós and the Latin sexualis. You also shouldn’t use the word “faggot” based on this reasoning.

Now, to me, it seems that the use of the word “fag” is indefensible for a Christian. The Church spends a lot of her time trying to get homosexuals to identify as something that is more than just the sum of their temptations. For us as Christians to reduce them to the label of “fag” incorrectly confirms in the homosexual an identity based solely on his inclinations. Moreover, I am not moved by those pointing out that the homosexuals use the word to refer to themselves. A homosexual, by his very nature, does all manner of things that are inappropriate.
  1. A Christian should not threaten a homosexual, verbally or physically.
There is not much of a problem that I can see with this. Only it must be understood what, exactly, would constitute a threat. It is an easy question, but only on the surface. A homosexual may take an instance of evangelization where he is told he risks hellfire as a threat.
  1. Our general approach to homosexuals should be to uphold their dignity as temples of the Holy Spirit.
Generally speaking, this would be true. But this is the type of vague directive that I alluded to at the start. What does this mean in practical terms? Would this preclude us from, say, evicting a homosexual who, other than his discrete sexual behavior behind closed doors, is a model tenant?
  1. Scripture tells us to offer correction, if we have the sense to know the right time and place to offer it, and assuming that we might have something to offer, in the first place.
What does it mean to offer correction? There is a wide range of interpretation possible here and that is not good when we are talking about the spiritual welfare of the homosexual. It is too easy in a lot of these circumstances to administer the correction in such a way as to not do the homosexual much good but instead, to make us fell better about ourselves.
  1. Christians should not acquiesce to ganging up on homosexuals in any way.
This is clearly wrong. If a member of the community is in error and individual intervention does not work, then you must use the rest of the community to confront the individual.
new man:
His Holiness the Pope has specifically written wthat violence done to persons presenting as homosexual is wrong adn to be deplored. The sinner is loved while the sin is reproved.
Are you talking about our present Holy Father Benedict XVI? If so could you provide a quotation or citation?
Are you talking about our present Holy Father Benedict XVI? If so could you provide a quotation or citation?
Yes Tuopaolo I am referring to Pope Benedict. I will find the citation for you but it will have to be tomorrow before I post it. Please return to this thread if you will.
There are so many threads about defining homosexuality and what aspects of homosexuality are sinful, etc. Why don’t we practice some of our Christian principles and just say brief positive things about how we should deal with homosexuals in our daily life.

  1. I think it’s safe to say we shouldn’t call people ‘homosexual’ or any vulgar alternative.
  2. A Christian should not threaten a homosexual, verbally or physically.
  3. Our general approach to homosexuals should be to uphold their dignity as temples of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Scripture tells us to offer correction, if we have the sense to know the right time and place to offer it, and assuming that we might have something to offer, in the first place.
  5. Christians should not acquiesce to ganging up on homosexuals in any way.
If a homosexual is chaste how would we know they are homosexual? Therefore our treatment of them would be just like anyone else.

Why do they promote their homosexuality? To advance an agenda!
There are so many threads about defining homosexuality and what aspects of homosexuality are sinful, etc. Why don’t we practice some of our Christian principles and just say brief positive things about how we should deal with homosexuals in our daily life.

  1. I think it’s safe to say we shouldn’t call people ‘homosexual’ or any vulgar alternative.
  2. A Christian should not threaten a homosexual, verbally or physically.
  3. Our general approach to homosexuals should be to uphold their dignity as temples of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Scripture tells us to offer correction, if we have the sense to know the right time and place to offer it, and assuming that we might have something to offer, in the first place.
  5. Christians should not acquiesce to ganging up on homosexuals in any way.
To be honest, it is the non homosexuals that need protection these days. The “gay” agenda is in full force and threatening to redefine our culture. I hardly ever see unjust discrimination of public supporters of homosexual conduct, yet I see plenty of folks turning a blind eye and calling those who point out the truth haters.
To be honest, it is the non homosexuals that need protection these days. The “gay” agenda is in full force and threatening to redefine our culture. I hardly ever see unjust discrimination of public supporters of homosexual conduct, yet I see plenty of folks turning a blind eye and calling those who point out the truth haters.
I totally concur. The homosexual activists are in a totally different category than other masses of folks who participate in sexually deviant and immoral behavior. The homosexual agenda folks are trying to normalize and mainstream and redefine the basis for a civil society. You cannot say this for those folks participating in lifestyle acts of adultery, fornication, masturbation, … Can you imagine a __________(adultery/fornication/masturbation) “pride” day/parade? Who is ganging up on who here?
I totally concur. The homosexual activists are in a totally different category than other masses of folks who participate in sexually deviant and immoral behavior. The homosexual agenda folks are trying to normalize and mainstream and redefine the basis for a civil society. You cannot say this for those folks participating in lifestyle acts of adultery, fornication, masturbation, … Can you imagine a __________(adultery/fornication/masturbation) “pride” day/parade? Who is ganging up on who here?
Absolutely! 20-25 years ago would anyone think we would see two men kissing on TV? It is accepted as the norm now. I am rather tired of this nonsense about discrimination, or hostile treatment of public homosexuals. It is a lie. The opposite is true. That group is celebrated and fawned over. We do not need any more lessons about so-called tolerance or diversity, we need education in the moral law and authentic charity. Too many with dulled consciences and no spines. It all goes back to relativism and contraception. We are sinking fast.
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