Christian Heavy Metal?

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Anyone listen to Christian heavy metal music? Link below is a good example of Christian metal.

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For me, in heavy metal I can’t catch the lyrics anyway so doesn’t matter if I listen to ‘Christian’ or normal metal. I like hymns and gospel music and blues but don’t really like ‘Christian pop’ ‘Christian rock’ just a personal taste thing. But thank you that I now know there is Christian metal that’s cool 🙂
Well sometimes it’s just straight up screaming. But really if you listen you can hear the lyrics. Listening to metal, especially Christian metal, really helps me let my passions out and connect to the Spirit.
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That’s great:) there is such a thing as positive screaming I think.
I got into Christian metal for a time, while I was still Protestant—though I’m not implying Catholics shouldn’t listen to it. I’m not really sure, to be honest…
But anyway, there’s some great stuff. “For Today,” “O Sleeper,” some “Red,” some “Fit For A King” (they have a great cover of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”) even a few Skillet tracks, although I’ve moved on almost entirely from them. Good workout music, too.

Good track by For Today here
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I do like some Christian black metal bands. Antestor’s Forsaken is among my favorite black metal albums, and I also like what Crimson Moonlight and Vials of Wrath have put out. I’m interested in seeing what Skald in Veum does. 1260 Days was pretty good and makes me optimistic about their future music.

Outside of that, Theocracy has put out a few decent songs, “Mirror of Souls” in particular. I would even say that their most recent album is, as a whole, pretty good. Leah is also good for symphonic metal, though I haven’t gotten around to her most recent album.
To be honest, this is the first I ever heard of Christian heavy metal. I am not a heavy metal fan to begin with. After 90 seconds of watching this video and trying to understand what he was singing, I am not a fan of Christian heavy metal either.
I listen to Christian heavy metal, but metalcore is definitely not my thing (I prefer the clean vocals of power, prog and symphonic metal). But I’m always glad to see that there are Christian bands in every metal subgenre!

Theocracy is my favorite Christian metal band:


Vanguard I went to school with the drummer and my daughter absolutely loves there music. How ever it’s not the sort of music I enjoy
After 90 seconds of watching this video and trying to understand what he was singing, I am not a fan of Christian heavy metal either.
OK, I’m going to be that guy and point out that metal is a very broad genre. (Also, War of Ages in the OP is metalcore, which many don’t consider actual metal despite the name, but that’s a discussion for another day.) One of the diverse aspects is vocal style.

There’s very standard, “clean” singing. This vocal style, while still often sung at higher volumes, is frequently understandable. Many bands actually want you to sing along to the lyrics. Some notable bands with this style include Iron Maiden, Sabaton, Dream Theater, and Megadeth. In general, the power metal genre is very dedicated to the style and frequently employs sing-along sections in the song.

On the flip side, and what most people tend to associate with metal, is the “growling” vocals. These can be lower-pitched, often associated with death metal, or higher-pitched, often associated with black metal. These genres tend to be less about the lyrics, though they often still fit the generally aggressive style of the music. Even then, some of bands are still relatively understandable. Both Carach Angren and Amon Amarth are sort of in this camp. (I’d post Dimmu Borgir, but their lyrics are consistently occult-themed.) Granted, your mileage may vary. My brother and I can easily understand Amon Amarth, but my parents say that they can’t.

Another popular style, at least in symphonic metal, is operatic vocals. Nightwish used them early on but has since gone to other styles. Still, Nightwish’s earlier works clearly inspired many others to take up operatic vocals in metal, to the point where “female-fronted metal” is almost its own subgenre.

All that said, personally I tend to stick to the cleaner vocal styles, but I still obviously have a bit of love for some harsher styles. (I don’t listen to much female-fronted symphonic metal so tend to miss a lot of the operatic vocalists.) Also, don’t take this as trying to say metal is for everyone. I just sort of wish some people stopped basing their opinion off growled and heavily-distorted vocals.
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Like Wampa, I’m not too big on the metalcore style. To me, harsh vocals are like black pepper on food: best when used sparingly. 😉

I love Theocracy. 🙂 Leah, Saviour Machine, Divinefire, and HB are some of my other favorites.

I just looked on YouTube. I never realized Saviour Machine actually made some music videos:

EDIT: I also admit I kind of dig the Scandinavian Metal Praise project, too.

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Christian Metal does not make Christianity any better, it just makes metal worse.
Christian Metal does not make Christianity any better, it just makes metal worse.
Boo! 😜

Some Christian metal does this. Some secular metal makes metal worse, too. 😉

There is good Christian metal out there that is good quality music.

I challenge any metalhead not to like this song. 😝

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To be honest, this is the first I ever heard of Christian heavy metal. I am not a heavy metal fan to begin with. After 90 seconds of watching this video and trying to understand what he was singing, I am not a fan of Christian heavy metal either.
It’s kind of a hard sell if you don’t have a taste for heavy metal in the first place. I’m kind of attracted at times to the soaring lyricism and amazing guitar playing (‘shredding’) in guitar solos in some heavy metal, but I don’t think I could listen to an entire album of it in one sitting - it’s too brutalizing.
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I’m a fan of Red and a couple others. I’d love to hear a symphonic metal group that’s also Christian. Like, a Christian Nightwish or Within Temptation.
I’m honestly not sure… I’ve only ever heard them classified as Christian Metal.

What about Bad Music?​

Morally Good and Bad Music

One surveys the comments of ancient, medieval and modern philosophers in vain to find a consistent rational exposition of the nature of music or its potential moral effects. Different philosophers from Confucius to Nietzsche, including Plato, Aristotle, Boethius, St. Thomas Aquinas, Kant and many more, have made assertions about music, its essential character, and its impact on morals without the development of any single consistent rational line of argument that could be used to distinguish legitimate conclusions from mere opinions. This dearth has been alleviated to a modest degree by the aesthetic studies of neo-Thomist philosophers in the 20th century, including the work of Jacques Maritain, and by documents written to reach out to artists by Pope John Paul II. But we are a very long way from understanding—if we ever will understand—exactly what distinguishes music from noise, what makes music beautiful, and exactly why and how music reaches to the core of the human person.

Those who have been exposed to “arguments” on the subject of whether some music, or perhaps some rhythms, are intrinsically disordered and therefore morally evil, should have noticed that these “arguments” are always either mere assertions or they are supported only by appeal to some authority. When the authority in question is consulted, one always finds another mere assertion, without any sort of logical argument that may be tested by another. In reality, it is oxymoronic to describe either rhythm or music as “disordered”, for in fact it is precisely the ordering of sound in particular ways which creates both rhythm and music as a whole.

Therefore, even a cursory study of past serious thought about the nature of music forces one to conclude that it cannot be successfully argued that any form of music is evil in itself, but only that it sometimes appears to be evil in certain of its effects, which are always obscured in human responses conditioned by many things outside the music itself.

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