Sorry, Mango, I’m not a CCM fan at all. I think the last really good CCM artist died outside of Peoria, Illinois.
I used to love 2nd Chapter of Acts and Keith Green. I guess I’m still stuck in the 80s. (I’m 47.)
I still love Larry Norman’s music and testimony, and I saw him in person a few years ago. Last I heard, he was in very poor health with a heart condition.
I’m not saying that others should stay away from CCM or that it is “bad.” I just don’t care for it. My kids used to play a game called “Girl or God.” They put together snippets of songs, and then asked, “Is it talking about a girl (or guy) or God?” It’s amazing how most of the time, you really couldn’t tell. CCM is often very “fluffy,” and I dislike anything “fluffy” (except marshmallow peeps).
Soapbox. One thing I will say and stand by: rock music is NOT good for little children (up through age 5). It is not melodic, it is far too polyphonic for them to be able to hear a melody, therefore it fails to train a child’s musical ear. I really encourage parents to keep their children away from rock music, even children’s rock music, until they are old enough to process it. Stay with simple, one or at most, two voice (voice and piano, voice and guitar, violin and piano, etc.) music pieces for your children. I work with children in a (secular) community choir, and believe me, we can tell when a child has been raised on rock music. They can’t sing.