“Be a sinner and sin bravely, but have stronger faith and rejoice in Christ, who is the victor of sin, death and the world. Do not for a moment imagine that this life is abiding place of justice: sin must be committed. To you it ought to be sufficient to awknowledge the lamb that takes away the sins of the world, the sin cannot tear you away from him, even though you commit adultery a hundred times a day and commit as many murders” - Martin LutherOn the other hand, the way I understand faith alone, once you are saved you are saved period. I was told that Martin Luther taught once you are saved you can rape and pillage all you want because you can’t lose your salvation. If this is true why do our separated brothers keep bringing up Catholics being free to sin and just go to Confession to get right with God.
One of the greater ironies of history was Martin Luther’s attack on the sale of indulgences. Lets remember it wasnt the Catholic Church that freely forgave things such as adultry and murder simply because someone said they were Chrisitian.
Who is softer on sin the Church that requires you to confess and repent or the church that says, “oh well, once saved always saved”?