Unfortunately Christmas, among christians, is becoming a battleground. The article was well written and many points of view were shared and I appreciate that. But I think that the author left out a few points and I wish to make some others: (1) Quoting Alexander Hislop and calling him a “noted historian of antiquity” was a mistake. Hislop and his book was discredited a long time ago. He has more errors in his book than I can count. (2) The author left out other bible verses where God commands that the jews “commandeer” other religion’s holidays by celebrating them the same day: Feasts of the New Year, combined with the harvest (Numbers 29:1-6; Leviticus 23:23-25), the feasts of the New Moon (1 Kings 20:4-29; Numbers 28:11-15; Nehemiah 10:33-34), grain and fruit harvest feasts (Deuteronomy 16:9-12; Exodus 23:14-16, 34:22) and the rite of new branches (Nehemiah 8:14-15).
There’s nothing wrong with taking a perfectly good day that someone else is using, dusting it off, “baptizing” it and bringing it to the foot of the cross. In fact, that’s the best way to get rid of a religion: Take over it’s holidays. Why do you think that paganism is negligible this days? God knew this and made it so. If the apostles or the early christians didn’t celebrate this holiday, when did it become evil to begin celebrating it? And who cares if we don’t know the exact day that Jesus was born, pick a day to celebrate it and stick with it! God knows our intent.
According to the article, pagans complain that christians stole christmas. We did not. Christians celebrated their holiday on the same day the pagans celebrated their holday. Some pagans died out and others converted to christianity. There was no one left to steal from. The last time I checked, each day belongs to everyone.