Christmas is bad?

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Hello all,

I dont know how to say what I’m about to say without offending someone, please believe that I do not want to hurt anyone or offend anyone - BUT I must tell what I know. The name Lucifer is translated most literally as, “Day-Star”. Before christmas was called christmas, it was called, “natalis invicti solis”, or something of the sort - which means, “birthday of the unconquered Sun”. (See the Encyclopedia Britannica 11th Edition, article: “Christmas”).

Lucifer - Satan equates himself to the sun as a symbol, the sun is the day-star of the earth, so when we keep christmas we are keeping a celebration of the birth of the sun, which is a symbol, or physical replica of Lucifer - essentially Satan has decieved the whole world into this false concept of Christianity, Revelation 12:9!

The God of the Bible on the other hand says that we are not to worship Him in such a way, but rather we are to worship Him the way that He says, not adding to or taking from, Deuteronomy 12:32. The Book of Jeremiah was written approximately 627 to 580 B.C. give or take. In the 10th chapter of his book you will find the practice of setting up of a tree and decking it with silver and gold etc…, and you will also find God condemning this practice, (see verses 2 through 4).

Jesus Christ was the God of the Old Testament, 1 Corinthians 10:4, He said I am the Eternal, I DO NOT CHANGE, Malachi 3:6. He kept the Holy Days that He revealed in Leviticus 23, see the Book of John chapters 2, 6, 7, 13, He is to be our example on how we are to live, 1 Peter 2:21, we are to walk as He walked 1 John 2:3-6. The New Testament Church of the 1st century kept the Holy Days as well, Acts 2:1; 20:6; 27:9, 1 Corinthians 5:7-8. The apostle Paul kept these Holy Days, and commanded the Gentiles at Corinth to do as he did in following Christ, 1 Corinthians 11:1. Jesus Christ kept the Holy Days, Paul said that Christ lives in us through the Holy Spirit, Galations 2:20, Colossians 1:27, The Bible says that Jesus Christ never changes, Malachi 3:6, that He is the same yesterday today and forever, Hebrews 13:8. If He lives in us He will not be keeping pagan holidays any more than He did as a human being - He does not change - period!

Jesus Christ said that we are to live by every Word of God, Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4 so the Bible should be our first and primary source on how to live, and any other book if it does not agree with the Bible should be thrown in the trash, as the Bible is God-Breathed, 2 Timothy 3:16. Satan is the God of this world, 2 Corinthians 4:4, therefore the books of this world are of him and not God! So to say that one must not, or cannot live by only the Bible is in direct contradiction of what God says, therefore it cannot be of God.

I’m sorry if this was offensive to anyone, but it is the Truth! If you will look into it with an open mind, begging the real God of the Bible to let you see the Truth, then maybe He will be merciful and let you.
Hello all,
I dont know how to say what I’m about to say without offending someone, please believe that I do not want to hurt anyone or offend anyone - BUT I must tell what I know. The name Lucifer is translated most literally as, “Day-Star”.
“Satan” means “adversary.” The term “lucifer” is applied to the planet Venus when it appears as the morning star. See Webster’s dictionary and
Before christmas was called christmas, it was called, “natalis invicti solis”, or something of the sort - which means, “birthday of the unconquered Sun”. (See the Encyclopedia Britannica 11th Edition, article: “Christmas”).
Wrong. Before it was called Christmas, it was called Christes Maese (Christs Mass) – a day set aside to celebrate the Incarnation and birth of Christ, Our Lord. December 25 was a ‘christianization’ of a Sol Invectus festival. Every week in Rome there was something pagan to celebrate. The Church turned Pagan festivals into Christian feasts.
Lucifer - Satan equates himself to the sun as a symbol,
How do you know this?
the sun is the day-star of the earth, so when we keep christmas we are keeping a celebration of the birth of the sun, which is a symbol, or physical replica of Lucifer - essentially Satan has decieved the whole world into this false concept of Christianity, Revelation 12:9!
The word “Lucifer” appears only once in Scripture, Isaiah 14:12. Christmas is not about Lucifer, or the sun, or about anything but Christ.
The God of the Bible on the other hand says that we are not to worship Him in such a way, but rather we are to worship Him the way that He says, not adding to or taking from, Deuteronomy 12:32. The Book of Jeremiah was written approximately 627 to 580 B.C. give or take. In the 10th chapter of his book you will find the practice of setting up of a tree and decking it with silver and gold etc…, and you will also find God condemning this practice, (see verses 2 through 4).
The practice of having decorated Christmas trees indoors began in the 16th century – a bit late for Jeremiah to have been condeming it.🙂

Hello, Katholikos

Again I say I am not trying to offend you or anyone else, but I would ask you this question: Did you know that Origen, one of the early “Fathers” of the Roman Church, writing in the ***THIRD CENTURY 245 A.D. approximately ***- was shocked at the very idea of celebrating the Savior’s birthday? Again the practice was around for many years, centurys before Christ, as the infallable Word of God records in the Book of Jeremiah 10:2-4. See the Encyclopedia Britannica 11th Edition article: “Christmas”

You are right in that christmas was called Christes Maese before it was called christmas, but before it was called Christes Maese it was called natalis invisti solis - the birthday of the unconquered sun, as its origins are in paganism. So we are both right in that regard.

Also what you said about the name Lucifer is True, but again the MOST LITERAL TRANSLATION is “Day-Star”! Just ask yourself - What is the day star? there is only one answer, what star do we see during the daytime? Why the sun, of course.
Again God says to not worship Him in our way, but rather in His Way, Deuteronomy 12:32.
Hello, Katholikos. Again I say I am not trying to offend you or anyone else, but I would ask you this question: Did you know that Origen, one of the early “Fathers” of the Roman Church, writing in the ***THIRD CENTURY 245 A.D. approximately ***- was shocked at the very idea of celebrating the Savior’s birthday?
One can read about the historical background of Christmas in this article from Christianity Today, a Protestant publication, here:

Yes, I know about Origen. The Church was well aware of Origen’s opinion, and as early as 273 A.D. set the celebration of Christ’s birth on December 25 anyway. There were other opinions the Church considered as well. But – as a theologian asserted in 320 A.D. – "We hold this day holy, not like the pagans because of the birth of the sun, but because of him who made it."
Again the practice was around for many years, centurys before Christ, as the infallable Word of God records in the Book of Jeremiah 10:2-4. See the Encyclopedia Britannica 11th Edition article: “Christmas”
If you want me to read it, provide a link. Are you suggesting that Jeremiah refers to Christmas trees?

On what basis do you hold Jeremiah or any of the OT or NT writings to be the “infallible Word of God”? You have ignored me previously when I asked this question. Jeremiah can’t vouch for itself, you know, and neither can the other writings the Catholic Church designated as “Scripture.” What is your authority for believing that?
You are right in that christmas was called Christes Maese before it was called christmas, but before it was called Christes Maese it was called natalis invisti solis - the birthday of the unconquered sun, as its origins are in paganism. So we are both right in that regard.
No, you are right in saying Dec. 25 was the pagan festival of the birthday of the sun. But Christmas has nothing to do with the sun; it is a celebration of Christ’s Mass in honor of his birth. The two are totally unrelated.

Try this: My son’s birthday is November 22. President Kennedy was killed on November 22. When I celebrate my son’s birthday am I celebrating the death of President Kennedy? Of course not. The two are unrelated, even though they share a common date.
Also what you said about the name Lucifer is True, but again the MOST LITERAL TRANSLATION is “Day-Star”! Just ask yourself - What is the day star? there is only one answer, what star do we see during the daytime? Why the sun, of course.
Again God says to not worship Him in our way, but rather in His Way, Deuteronomy 12:32.
We are not sun worshipers. To worship God in His way, under the New Covenant in Christ’s blood (Luke 22:20), one must offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. “Do THIS,” Christ said, “in remembrance of me,” I’m a Christian, not a Jew.

Peace be with you,

Jay (Katholikos)
It was the pagans who hijacked God’s creation, and we’re just taking it back.
Not sure what you mean by this. Catholics or any Christians don’t have the right to “ownership” of the world. shrugs Besides, there were many pre-Christian religions, so if anything, the Christians are “hijacking” creation - whatever that is supposed to mean.
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