Church Allows Gay Clergy to Marry
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And it is apparent they also have lost what the whole concept of marriage is about. Was there ever such a thing as celibate marriage?Church to let gay clergy ‘marry’ but they must stay celibate
I’ve read that some Americam Episcopal parishes are, in effect, seceding from their diocese and declaring themselvesto be under the authority of another bishop in the Anglican Communion – often in Africa, where none of the UK- and US-style “liberalisation” has caught on.I think it’s only a matter of time before the Anglican church implodes on itself and many of its clergy and adherents leave it in disgust for its slide towards apostasy. Sad that the Anglican church should fall this way, but then they brought it on themselves.
AMEN!It’s sad that it’s happening, but think about it, they started out with a schism from Rome based on a lack of understanding the sacrament of Matrimony. It’s not surprising that confusion led to more confusion.
Let’s pray that the faithful will stop and consider what this really means and explore Catholicism as they’ve never done before, with a open heart and mind.
Please dear God, bring our seperated bretheren home to the Church you founded.