Church of the Sepulchre, or Garden Tomb--which is it?

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You are so full of ****. Do your research. If you do, you will realize that the Catholics held the bible secret for a long time refusing to translate it into any other language then latin. When PROTESTANTS produced the bible in languages other then Latin they were persecuted.

The Catholics are NOT responsible for the bibles we have today. Go read your history. SEE KING JAMES VERSION.
First, the title page of the original 1611 Authorized Version says thus:

THE HOLY BIBLE, Conteyning the Old Testament, and the New:
Newly Translated out of the Originall tongues: & with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, by his Majesties Special Commandment.
Appointed to be read in Churches. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. ANNO DOM. 1611.

I guess Christians were without a Bible for 1600 years then? 😃
Second, how can you account for St. Venerable Bede’s translation of the Gospel of John prior to his death in 735 in Anglo-Saxon, and Caedmon of Whitby’s translations a century before that? What about, say, the translations of William Shoreham and Richard Rolle, hermit of Hampole (died 1349)? I didn’t know they were all Protestants…:rolleyes:
Third, I am amazed that a Christian would stoop to such low acts, saying that somebody is so “full of ****.”

I must have missed that part where it is written :D:

And Jesus and his disciples were walking along the sea. And they asked Him, saying: “Lord, what shall we do when thou art taken from us?
And He spake unto them, saying: “Have no fear, and trust the Lord your God.” And He raised his arms up to heaven in thanksgiving and saith unto His Father, “Abba, Father, help thou these poor followers of mine. Give thou unto them the book which they shall solely need for their justification.
And lo, no sooner had He said thus, a book descended from heaven and dropped unto His hands. And the front and back of the book was exceeding red, being covered with skins, and in letters of gold were written thus on its front: THE HOLIE BIBLE, KYNGE JAMES VERSION.
I have been to both the Garden Tomb and the Holy Sepulchre. Definitely the site of the Holy Sepulchre was a Jewish burial ground because they have found other tombs there as well. They can’t be 100% sure, but supposedly Queen Helena came and was told that oral tradition had it that that was the site and thus the original Byzantine church was built there.

The Garden Tomb is a recent find and from what I read the Protestants wanted a place to worship as the tomb of their own. This place also is an ancient Jewish burial ground. The Protestants don’t have a part of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre since they are so new.

Nobody knows for sure which one is real. Just being in Jerusalem and the Holy Land is quite moving and I don’t think it makes much difference.
The Garden Tomb fits the description of Jesus Crucifixion Site when you read the Bible 1. There was a Garden 2. New Tomb or Sephulchre 3. Land mark is Golgotha or skull Hill.
So, it begins. The inevitable friction between my Protestant girlfriend and me
I don’t understand why people place themselves in such a position. You describe “inevitable friction” and yet persist in a relationship with this person?

How does this play out in a marriage? Attacking another person’s faith is not something to build a marriage on.
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