Church Plans to Bury the Ashes of Fetuses From Abortion Clinic

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…Sergio Gutierrez, the diocese spokesman, said Friday, “This discussion clarifies the distinction between people who believe in the sanctity of life and those who don’t. What is their view? To discard unborn children and then worry where they end up.”

Stops you in your tracks, doesn’t it? 😦
“They have taken it upon themselves to make a macabre ritual out of this, inflicting pain on everyone,” said clinic director Dr. Warren Hern. “I have women calling me who are very upset over this. These fanatics simply cannot leave other people alone with their most intimate sorrow.”

Why exactly should there be pain and sorrow?
Why doesn’t the Church offer any kind of funeral services for miscarried or stillborn babies? Why can’t they be burried, too?

I have a friend, a Catholic school teacher, who was not only denied such a service by her local parish, but she was denied time off from work to grieve the loss of her unborn child. Where is the justice?
So if they were not human but just a mass of tissue, why so upset?
The Sacred Heart of Mary Church obtained the ashes from a mortuary that had a contract to cremate remains from the Boulder Abortion Clinic. But the clinic said it didn’t know the ashes were being given to the church. “They have taken it upon themselves to make a macabre ritual out of this, inflicting pain on everyone,” said clinic director Dr. Warren Hern. “I have women calling me who are very upset over this. These fanatics simply cannot leave other people alone with their most intimate sorrow.”
Hern said Crist Mortuary, which does the cremations, had violated a contract that said remains would not be used in religious ceremonies. He called their actions “unconscionable” but declined to say if he planned to sue
Why doesn’t the Church offer any kind of funeral services for miscarried or stillborn babies? Why can’t they be burried, too?

I have a friend, a Catholic school teacher, who was not only denied such a service by her local parish, but she was denied time off from work to grieve the loss of her unborn child. Where is the justice?
I would suggest your freind contact Pavone thinks that miscaried babies have the same values as aborted ones and so do I.Anything less is not only unfair but a contradiction in our pro-life position.In fact this same example has been thrown at me as an example of how abortion is not the death of a baby.God Bless
“Antiabortion zealots, Catholic or otherwise, have shown that they will stop at nothing to inflict guilt and to compound the grief, sadness and sense of loss that these women experience,” he said.

What? What grief, sadness and loss? I thought this was supposed to be an perfectly okay thing to do and maybe even a “sacrament”…these people are really conflicted aren’t they. It’s like “I had a *chance *to have a baby but I had to call it off…”
I would suggest your freind contact Pavone thinks that miscaried babies have the same values as aborted ones and so do I.Anything less is not only unfair but a contradiction in our pro-life position.In fact this same example has been thrown at me as an example of how abortion is not the death of a baby.God Bless
I AGREE!! Also, Fr. Frank Pavone is a holy wonderful priest. I could just imagine how much some liberal or “moderate” clergy and some HIGHER ups in the Archdiocese of New York MAY not value him as he should be valued. I happen to live in the geographical area in which the diocese is: The Archdiocese of New York= how it has changed since the glorious days of John Cardinal O’Connor. NOW, it seems the liberals, and certain higher ups are ONLY concerned about closing old beutiful Churches, and NOT standing up to Catholic truth, for fear it may bring bad publicity to the higher ups. I wish we still had Cardinal O’Connor!!!
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