Bobby Jim:
These people ought to hold seminars on how to handle money!? I don’t know of any church that can manage to do what they do from only a small collection that also has to cover all the maintenance, insurance, etc. as well! Amazing!
And sooooooo frustrating!
You know, I explained this to him - that we are no different than his Baptist church. When they need to build a new church or fund an outside project, they have to ask for donations from the faithful - Oh, No, he says! They collect one time at their services and their church manages to cover everything they need to do with that one collection at their services! The Catholic Church is always wanting more and more!Also “the church” is more complex than he’s probably thinking. Each diocese is basically an independent entity, at least for financial purposes. And yes, a lot of them in the US are in the red. My diocese, for example, is reportedly bleeding away its endowment at an alarming rate… they said they’re not using collection money to pay off lawsuits, so this is how they’re doing it. They’re spending down the principal, so within a year or two their income from these investments will be nil. If you ask me, they should require seminarians to learn some basics of financial management, since as pastors they will be faced with managing the day-to-day finances of individual parishes, not to mention the bishops who oversee the finances of whole dioceses.
These people ought to hold seminars on how to handle money!? I don’t know of any church that can manage to do what they do from only a small collection that also has to cover all the maintenance, insurance, etc. as well! Amazing!
And sooooooo frustrating!