Matt16_18 said:
NGS Republican Party
Renewing America’s Purpose, Together!
2001 Platform: “The Politics of Promise”
by Representative Scott Daniel (R-NV) and Representative Don Johnson (R-TN)
… As a party that values the sanctity of life, we oppose the use of abortion as a means of birth control. Specifically, we call for a prohibition on all abortions
except when the life of the mother is at stake.
Hey Matt, thanks for the link to the site. If you look down further than where you grabbed the quotes you will see that additional information is given which includes the following:
** Natural Rights** - all men and women are endowed with certain
inalienable and immutable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Government is erected by people, over people for the expressed purpose of protecting these rights from violation. The Republican Party was the spearhead for the elimination of slavery and was at the forefront of bringing the vote to women.
…"We, the Republican Party, also hold these truths to be self-evident, and will champion the cause of equal opportunity **and life for all. We believe that life is sacrosanct, the queen of the natural rights. As such, it deserves our government’s vigorous protection.
Now does this mean that the Republican Party is the be all and end all for the Catholic Church and all Catholics ? NO! But over all the Republican Party follows more closely the doctrines taught by the Catholic Church than any other party in the US. And there isn’t any Catholic Party so one has to go with one or the other. And as far as I am concerned the Democrat Party with it’s current leadership is well, I would be afraid to let them ever regain power.
And as to your argument re: the “life of the mother”, I would say that most people think that they are talking about the actual life of the mother as the Church does, not as some liberal doctor or judge or politician. That is why it only states life of the mother and not “in the case of rape or incest” too. But in actuality I would not be too surprised to see that added at some point in the future, unfortunately.
God bless.