Your definition is just that.
Your definition. You are the person who put in the additional factor of “The purpose of an induced abortion is to end the pregnancy by killing the unborn child.” *t have already stated over and over the purpose of the abortion in these cases are to save the life of the mother. You write your own definition of abortion and then plaster it on the case at hand to prove your point. You’re goofy and I am not going to let you get away with it. It seems that people are getting all wired up about just the term of “abortion” and forgetting that some procedures actually do have in rare cases, a purpose.
Definition of abortrion from Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary:
Abortion 1. The premature expulsion of a fetus; ex. a miscarriage. 2. Such expulsion induced artificially. 3. The defective result of a premature birth. 4. The partial or complete arrest of development.
Nowhere in these definitions is there any deliniation of purpose. Definition #1. is not done purposely by the mother and yet
it is an abortion. Definition 2. is indicative of an the use of contraceptions, yes against Catholic doctrine. Definitition 3. happened to my twin sister. We were both born at approximately 6 months. I lived. She was not strong enough. She didn’t. This situation is illicit if the there is medical help available and it is not used to attempt to save the life of the child. 4. indicative of an ectopic pregnancy. The purpose was to save the life of the mother and the pregnancy is so early that there is no way to save the life of the child.
But is also the way of ending pregnancies by the use of abortion as a contraceptive and for child selection. This is also illicit when us in this way.
You all are going totally nuts because there are doctors and others and mothers who are willingly killing millions of babies each year and that is all you can see. You don’t like the term so you have put your own determination of it’s meaning on it. Well, it has a lot of meanings many of which are not illicit especially when used ethically and morally. You also seem to be thinking that because we have good medical facitilies here in the US they have the same in Africa. No they don’t.
Whit, you are confusing a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) with a procured abortion (an overt act with the express purpose of killing the baby.
Your mother may have been an RN and devout Catholic, but your mother was incorrect.
The Catechism spells it out clearly. See paragraphs 2270-2275:
2270 Human life must be respected and protected **absolutely ** from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person-- among which is the
inviolable right of every innocent being to life.
2271 Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of **every ** procured abortion. This teaching has not chagned and remains unchangeable.
Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law.