Clarification on indulgences

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So I went to confession 11 days ago and got communion this last Sunday.

I want to get an indulgence.

So I know I need to remove all attatchment of sin to fully get it.

I was going to do it by reading the Bible for a half hour for a plenary indulgence.

I was going to ask what else do I need to do to get the indulgence and can I do it by reading an ONLINE Bible?

Thanks in advance and God Bless.
So I know I need to remove all attatchment of sin to fully get it.

I was going to do it by reading the Bible for a half hour for a plenary indulgence.
These two things are not the same, or am I misunderstanding what you mean by this?
Anyone remember Father David, He had a post about contrition for sin and attachment to sin which explained this really well.

Op do a search on Father David.
So I went to confession 11 days ago and got communion this last Sunday.

I want to get an indulgence.

So I know I need to remove all attatchment of sin to fully get it.

I was going to do it by reading the Bible for a half hour for a plenary indulgence.

I was going to ask what else do I need to do to get the indulgence and can I do it by reading an ONLINE Bible?

Thanks in advance and God Bless.
The period for confession is about 20 days before or after the indulgenced work.
N20. §1. To gain a plenary indulgence, in addition to excluding all attachment to sin, even venial sin,
it is necessary to perform the indulgenced work and fulfill the following three conditions: sacramental
confession, Eucharistic Communion, and prayer for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
§2. A single sacramental confession suffices for gaining several plenary indulgences; but Holy
Communion must be received and prayer for the intention of the Holy Father must be recited for the
gaining of each plenary indulgence.
§3. The three conditions may be fulfilled several days before or after the performance of the
prescribed work; it is, however, fitting that Communion be received and the prayer for the intention of
the Holy Father be said on the same day the work is performed.
§4. If the full disposition is lacking, or if the work and the three prescribed conditions are not
fulfilled, saving the provisions given in Norm 24 and in Norm 25 regarding those who are
“impeded,” the indulgence will only be partial.
§5. The condition of praying for the intention of the Holy Father is fully satisfied by reciting one
Our Father and one Hail Mary; nevertheless, one has the option of reciting any other prayer according
to individual piety and devotion, if recited for this intention.
§1 A plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who read the Sacred Scriptures as
spiritual reading, from a text approved by competent authority and with the reverence
due to the divine word, for at least a half an hour; if the time is less, the indulgence will
be partial.
§2 If for some good reason a person is unable to read the Sacred Scriptures, a plenary or
partial indulgence is granted, as above, if the text of Sacred Scripture is listened to
while another person is reading or if it is heard by means of a video or audio recording.
See the Manual of Indulgences:
It’s very good that you are reading the Bible for an indulgence today. Reading Scripture is good in and of itself, so the indulgence is just the cherry on top.

The “usual conditions” for a plenary indulgence are:
  1. Receive one Holy Communion for the plenary indulgence, preferably on the day of the indulgenced work but you can receive a few days before or after, as long as you receive one Communion for each plenary indulgence you get (you can only get one plenary indulgence per day). You could use your Sunday Communion, as you said.
  2. Go to confession within 20 days before or after. You did that. Also you need to be in a state of grace when you do the indulgenced work. I presume you still are since your last confession.
  3. Pray out loud (“recite” the prayers) for the Holy Father’s intentions. The usual prayers said nowadays are one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be, but you can use a different prayer if you want, as long as it’s for the Holy Father’s intentions.
  4. Have no attachment to sin, even venial sin.
So it looks like the only condition you have left to do, is pray for the Holy Father’s intentions.

You can get an indulgence reading any Bible that is approved by the Church. An online Bible is fine as long as it’s approved by the Church. I usually use the NABRE on the Vatican website to get Scripture reading indulgences. Sometimes I use the Douay Rheims online at website. Just be careful you’re not using a KJV or other version not approved by the Church.
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Is it wrong to have no interest in sparing others and myself from punishment?
You, of course, don’t have to be interested in receiving an indulgence, but if you believe in the indulgence’s effect then why wouldn’t you want to receive one?
It’s not wrong to not have interest in indulgences. I’m sure many people on the forum don’t care about them.

It is wrong to come into someone else’s thread who has interest in earning an indulgence and is asking about them, hijack the thread, and make a rude remark comparing them to “payola”.

If you want to complain about a Catholic practice instituted and maintained by our Church, how about at least starting your own thread?
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When I was in high school, back in the dark ages, I was allowed to be dual enrolled at the University. They called it the “Credit in Escrow” program. Today there is a similar program with AP classes in high schools. These allow a high school student to earn credits toward their university graduation.

I look at indulgences the same way. If I have a chance to earn a “Credit in Escrow” for some soul in purgatory, that is a good thing. The whole attachment to sin is the most difficult condition.
Happy for those for whom it is not difficult. My SD/Priest and I acknowledge that I’m not there yet.
That’s a matter for you and your spiritual director then. I don’t have a spiritual director and am unlikely to ever have one in the foreseeable future, so I just have to content myself with the fact that if I still have an attachment to sin, which is indeed possible though I’m probably too dim and sinful to realize it, maybe I can help some poor soul with a 90 percent indulgence, or a 75 percent indulgence. If two people did that, then the soul is helped 150%.

Even if all the poor soul got is 10% of the plenary, it’s better than 0%.
And me cranking through the indulgence prayers and activities is better than me wasting that time looking at Youtube.
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Thanks all for the help! And I don’t know how to check but is the RSV CE approved by the church?
It’s not wrong to not have interest in indulgences. I’m sure many people on the forum don’t care about them.

It is wrong to come into someone else’s thread who has interest in earning an indulgence and is asking about them, hijack the thread, and make a rude remark comparing them to “payola”.

If you want to complain about a Catholic practice instituted and maintained by our Church, how about at least starting your own thread?
Sorry you took it that way…To be clear, of course people are free to pursue indulgences as a way to help the faithful make due satisfaction for their sins, but chiefly to bring them to greater fervour of charity. The Church has reformed its thinking on indulgences and abolished the quantification (or piggie banking) of indulgences. Instead she teaches that partial indulgences, previously granted as the equivalent of a certain number of days, months, quarantines (forty-day periods) or years of canonical penance, simply supplement, and to the same degree, the remission that those performing the indulgenced action already gain by the charity and contrition with which they do it. OP - Indulgentiarum doctrina is a document your should reference to gain the proper understanding of indulgences.

Apologies if I offended, but these forums are meant to be discussions and diversity of opinion should be encouraged, not stifled. The OP has a right to hear and people have right to hold differing opinions. In this case, I think it is fair for the OP to know that indulgences have a checkered past in the Church. They have been a source of much corruption with clergy selling indulgences and people holding the belief that they can accumulate and ‘piggie bank’ them.
Off topic, and flagged.

I’ve seen the same sort of thing on rosary threads where somebody asks how to pray the rosary and someone else feels a need to barge in and tell them they don’t have to pray the rosary, when that isn’t the question and the person genuinely wants to pray the rosary.

I’m muting this thread now as the OP got his answer and that’s the end of the topic as far as I’m concerned. If you want to launch a crusade against indulgence practice, that’s your prerogative, but like I said, it would be a lot more polite for you to start your own thread about it.
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Yeah I understand indulgences around the Reformation were heavily abused and lied about by different Catholics, like Friar John Tetzel I think was one. He said dead relatives would be saved from hell if you gave money to him which ticked off Luther.

I believe though that the way they are done is fair and just encourages one to be better and to do charitable acts. I realise what you’re saying though and thanks for the kind of heads up.

I think though that it’s not bad to pursue indulgences because you don’t want to go to Purgatory, this is self interest but I think it’s justified. I mean it would be weird if that wasn’t a motiviation. But yes I should also do it as to become more charitable and to try and become less sinful.

And I also understand I can’t ‘piggy bank’ them, thanks for the heads up. Thanks and God Bless
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If you are replying to me then thank you very much! If you are not then I love everyone’s picture so also thank you very much!

Yours is certainly more Holy than mine though.
Cajun joy has changed hers, but i do appreciate your dinner picture 👍
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