Clarification on indulgences

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It probably shows my very unhigh level of maturity to have a picture like this at least šŸ˜
Have no attachment to sin, even venial sin.
This is by far the hardest part of getting a plenary indulgence. Really, it is the only condition that is in the least bit difficult, but it is difficult enough, that you really donā€™t need any more difficulty.

I am not normally one to talk about my spiritual life, but the way I approach this ā€” plenary indulgences or no plenary indulgences, that doesnā€™t even enter into it ā€” is to make up my mind, every moment of my life, that I am not going to commit any sins at all, neither mortal nor venial. Truth be told, I really do not make a distinction in my life between mortal and venial sins ā€” I do not say ā€œwell, a venial sin is just that, only venial, so Iā€™m not going to knock myself out trying to avoid them, or at least the ones that are just too hard to give upā€. When I go to confession, I say explicitly to the priest that I have the virtual intention of obtaining any indulgence for which I am eligible, both plenary and partial. I do have a besetting venial sin, or rather, group of sins. I will not discuss what that sin is, but I will say that it has absolutely nothing to do with sex, furthest thing in the world from it. I fall into this sin daily. But I do not want to. I try to make up my mind that this is the very last time I will ever commit this species of sin. Do I have ā€œno attachment to sin, even venial sinā€? I try. I certainly try to be of that mindset at the time I pursue a plenary indulgence. What more can one do?

Just food for thought. I have a real issue with the concept of going into the confessional, and coming out of the confessional, with even one venial sin on oneā€™s soul that is unrepented and for which the sinner has no firm purpose of amendment. How can you be absolved of all your sins, if youā€™re not sorry for all of them? And of course, that would make a plenary indulgence impossible. I donā€™t want that sinner to be me.
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