Question: How is Christ’s material body fully present in the Eucharist if it’s divided amongst multiple hosts?
Thanks for helping me clear my foggy Monday morning thoughts!
The short answer is sacrament followed by ex opera operato = the work done.
Jesus Presence is key here, not material body.
Just as the Holy Spirit overshadowed the Virgin Mary, so to at the invocation prays for the Holy Spirit to come upon these gifts to make them holy so that they may become for us the body and blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Faith is the other element required here as Hebrews describes faith; " By faith we understand that the world was created by the WORD OF GOD , so that what is seen was made out of things which do not appear"
“It is the Spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail”.
When man speaks his word and sends it to a hearer, that word that man sends from his voice and breath does nothing in and of itself. Although that word can carry with it instructions, directions, motivation, including negative revelations that reflect the sender. Man’s word of itself does nothing to produce a visible from the invisible. It takes another hearer to produce the result, man’s word can do nothing of itself.
God’s Word on the other hand. When God sends His Word that Word sent from the Father produces an action and a result into the visible from the invisible.
It is by God’s Word alone that His presence is made known in His Eucharist at all times in every place, God sends the Holy Spirit to declare to our spirit “Ex Opera Operato”, the Work done, or as Jesus states upon the cross, “it is finished”, what Jesus sends the Spirit to reveal and declare to us who believe the Word of God from God that; “this is my body, this is my blood”.
The substance of Jesus body, blood, soul and divinity in all valid Eucharist, is present at all times, made visible in the accidents of bread and wine, from the invisible. The presence of God is never divided, separated or confused.
Every small crumb and drop of Eucharist contain real and substantial real PRESENCE of the full, whole Christ body, blood, soul an divinity, from the rising of the Sun to it’s setting, God’s name is glorified from every nation being fulfilled today in the Mass everyday and everywhere.
How is God’s presence made known in all the hosts distributed? That Host every day and everywhere is not divided remains Only One.
The substance of Jesus body and blood present in the confected hosts is not divided or separated in space and time, although it may appear that way to our flesh which is of no avail here, It is the Spirit never divided that gives life.
It is here in the real substantial presence of God that we no longer worship God in this mountain or that mountain, but we enter God’s presence to worship God is Spirit and Truth. That Spirit and Truth is revealed in Eucharist = Jesus body, blood, soul and divinity.
Peace be with you