Classic Homilies and Sermon collections?

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Just trying to expand my knowledge of Christian thought outside of Scholastic texts.

I’ve read through some of St. Alphonsus Liguori and St. John Chrysostom’s sermons, and I’m currently taking a crack at St. Anthony of Padua’s works.

Was wondering if anyone could suggest any other classic homilies or sermon collections by important figures within the history of the Church.
Definitely out of the budget for hardcover, but the Kindle price is great. Most assuredly on the short list for next read. Thanks for the recommendation.
Thanks for that. You know i feel a bit embarassed. I’m familiar with John Henry Newman, reading his Apologia Pro Vita Sua… Of course he’d have a set of writings/sermons. 🤣
Thanks for the suggestion. I didn’t even know we had a collection of Sermons from Leo the Great.
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