Cleaving gender from sex (not trans issue)

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Could someone help me out? Isn’t there a discussion somewhere in the Bible about effeminate men and masculine acting women. I seem to recall hearing about it and don’t even know the right search terms to use! Thanks in advance…
That’s from the Old Testament.
The only part of the OT laws we follow as Catholic Christians are the 10 Commandments of Moses.
Otherwise we’d also be avoiding pork, doing ritual washing, not wearing clothes of two fibers mixed together, etc. etc.

There’d also be a strong case that St. Joan of Arc committed sin by running around in male trousers and armor at a time when women didn’t do that sort of thing. Yet she’s a saint.
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Yes…once I found it! For some reason, I thought Paul also talked of Some gender related issue…but, it seems his was only about sexual behaviors.

Another question though…don’t you still follow the moral commandments on top of the Ten Commandments?
We follow Moses’ 10 commandments and Jesus’ 2 commandments (love God/ love your neighbor).

Sometimes various “moral” teachings from the OT are used to support New Testament teachings. But if something doesn’t have a strong basis in the NT, totally apart from the OT, then the Church is unlikely to officially follow it.
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I also would say no, because of the law of unintended consequences. To deprive little boys and girls of the clarity of a simple binary choice, is to unwittingly mislead far too many of them once they reach puberty, when desires may be greatly mixed up. Surely for many, sexual orientation is absolutely unchangeable. But there are many for whom it is more fluid. For those who sexual desires are fluid, do we really want to risk misleading them into sinful (less than best) choices because much earlier in their lives we misled them in a decision that should have been dead obvious? Identity has consequences! This is why labeling ourselves with our sexual orientation seems so insane to me.
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