CNN running The Two Marys tonigt!

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Cnn is advertising The Two Marys, a production that could change history. What is this, does anyone have the info on it? Is it like a Da Vinci Code deal? Just wondering what people have heard.
Cnn is advertising The Two Marys, a production that could change history. What is this, does anyone have the info on it? Is it like a Da Vinci Code deal? Just wondering what people have heard.
What Time?
Cnn is advertising The Two Marys, a production that could change history. What is this, does anyone have the info on it? Is it like a Da Vinci Code deal? Just wondering what people have heard.
Since it’s on CNN I won’t bother watching. I believe it will a Da Vinci code type program. I will tune to EWTN as usual.
I just checked MSN TV and it looks like this garbage is on at 8:00. The blurb on it says:The historical reality of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene.

I think the key words here is “historical reality”. CNN does not know what reality is and they are part of the cadre trying to rewrite history.:banghead:

I suspect we will see the same anti-Catholics and malcontents (like McBrien) on this program. I may just watch it (if my short-term memory does nto short out and I forget:sleep: ) just to see which so-called “Catholics” they will have on the program.

Mary, the Mother of God, is not one of the “2 Marys”. She is holy, sinless, and set apart, and deserves a special reverence as Queen of the Kingdom.
I saw the episode on CNN on Demand. It was really bad.

Catholic doctrine was explained exceedingly poorly. They had a Jesuit priest who was edited down to a few sentences and made to look archaic.

They gave most of their time to the Feminist Gnostic position prevalent in The Da Vinci Code.
I don’t watch CNN because of its left-wing agenda, that manifests itself in biased reporting. Why would I think that this show would not be left-biased in an attempt to make Catholicism look illegitimate?

I’ll leave CNN (Clinton News Network/Communist News Network, take your pick) and all of its broadcasts to the people who have willingly consumed the Kool-Aid.
I do not know if was my dinner or the toxic sewage of the program that was on, but I had to turn if off after 15 minutes.

It was disgusting. It wrongly portrayed Mary as a “goddess” for Catholics. But worse. the whole theme was that Mary Magdalen was put in a certain light by the early church to keep women out of leadership. The commentary was ALL done by radical feminist theologians most of which were not even Catholic- ie: Amy Jill-Levine (famous Mel Gibson hater), names from Princeton, Harvard, and an unhabited nun from Fordham- Along with two effiminate male protestant theologians.
Too bad noone got a list of the advertizers during this farce.

I do not know if was my dinner or the toxic sewage of the program that was on, but I had to turn if off after 15 minutes.PF
I turned it off as well. I thought it was blasphemous and defamatory. It think the Church should sue CNN. CNN did a lot of damage with that show. A lot of damage. I am quitting one of my jobs partly because I work in an environment of neo-pagan prejudices against the Catholic Church and I have just had it up to my ears.
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