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Is it only me, or does CNN show that one “nun” that thinks the Church is bleeding just because the Church doesn’t let them be ordained more than the good people like the priest who wrote “The Passion of Christ”? I think it is so, but what about you.
To be honest, I havent seen her on CNN yet, but I did see her on Fox News yesterday blathering her drivel about wanting at least 70 female Cardinals in the Conclave, the end of celibacy and women as Priests.

ALL news stations are providing for the most part very good and respectable coverage… as well as them allowing some of the dissenters in…so far she is the first religious I have seen during all this to dissent.
No female priests
No end of priestly celibacy
No toleration of liturgical abuse
No dissention from Catholic hierarchy
No variation from the Church Christ founded 2,000 years ago. What was good enough for Him is good enough for me. If the dissenters don’t like it, I hear that the Episcopal church is looking for theological relativists and their doors are wide open. Let all the women who want gay female bishops to serve on the board of Planned Parenthood migrate elsewhere.
I haven’t seen this nun yet. But there was a letter to the editor in today’s Free Press from the usual uber-feminist:

"There are 117 cardinals eligible to select the next pope – not one female among them. Women share the same heaven and fear the same hell. They should have an equal shot at redemption, and that means full participation in the clergy.

This pope kept women from that equal shot, and, in doing so, gave permission for their continued marginalization. What a surprise he’ll have in heaven when he wakes up and finds out God is a girl."

I would go and beat my head against the wall and ask why it is so difficult for some people to get it (especially since I don’t get the idea that one has to be clergy to have a shot at redemption-if that were true most of us would be in very dire straits), but I used to be in that same selfish “I don’t want to do what the Church says so I’m going to bash it instead” mindset so I think I’ll just pray for her.

Slightly OT: am I crazy, or is it thought of inconsiderate to speak ill of the dead? I was always brought up with the idea that if I couldn’t think of something nice to say in such situations, I should just be polite and keep silent. I suppose thanks to all of the rudeness from our media pundits et. al. that politeness and compassion for those grieving have gone out the window. More selfishness- the need to vent one’s own irritations, no matter how ill-timed and hurtful, at those of us who are mourning. :mad:
Between CNN and Fox news, there are two nuns who are liberal feminists being interviewed. I find it more interesting that there are never nuns interviewed who follow and agree with the teaching of the Church. Doesn’t make good copy, I guess. Last week on O’Reilly, he actually interviewed a Catholic feminist who agreed with the Catholic Church’s point of view on women in the clergy. Bill was a bit aghast and kept repeating “Are you sure you’re really a feminist” or something like that.
No female priests
No end of priestly celibacy
No toleration of liturgical abuse
No dissention from Catholic hierarchy
No variation from the Church Christ founded 2,000 years ago. What was good enough for Him is good enough for me. If the dissenters don’t like it, I hear that the Episcopal church is looking for theological relativists and their doors are wide open. Let all the women who want gay female bishops to serve on the board of Planned Parenthood migrate elsewhere.
I agree , Scott 👍
I can proudly say I have not veiwed CNN once in at least 6 months. I don’t miss their slant on news.
yea i have seen one or two nuns (can’t quite remember) promoting the idea of having woman as priests. One thing i noticed was that they were not wearing their order of habit. Straight from the hive, one has to wonder if they’re with the Holy Father’s teachings or becoming enchanted with secular clothes and materialistic things that they forgot the true teachings of the Church. Beside, i can’t ever imagine calling a woman priest “Father”. sounds kinda silly to me.
I know this is going to sound horrible, but the first thing I thought when I saw this was that in a way I was kinda happy to see that the Feminazi nun looked stereotypically …um… you know…mustached and angry…
It’s hard to live the life of Christ and resist the temptation of evil 🙂
That’s why it’s callled Chicken Noodle News!

So which of our sistah’s is spouting this drivel? I assume it’s one of those ladies of a certain age?

Lisa N
Lisa N:
That’s why it’s callled Chicken Noodle News!

So which of our sistah’s is spouting this drivel? I assume it’s one of those ladies of a certain age?

Lisa N
Hmmm…some have already stated that FOX News had her on as well…so…

If THATS why its called “Chicken…” what should we call Fox News for giving her air time as well? 😉
Fowl News, of course! (Sorry, I just had to leave my spot in lurkerdom and say it…)

😛 I know it was lame.
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