Actually, I want to begin by taking issue with your signature which reads:
When you argue for unbridled “free will”, you also argue for the continued existence of psychopaths, who kidnap, rape, mutilate and slaughter children.
Are you really comfortable with endorsing their activities and to be their advocate?
This is a non sequitur.
First of all, thank you for your contribution. I was hoping that someone will argue against it. Let me point out the most important word in my signature:
“UNBRIDLED”. Free will is simply the ability to make choices among more than one possibilities. If you have the freedom to choose between chocolate and vanilla ice creams, you have free will. Now you may argue that this is not much of a freedom, choosing between two flavors is not a morally significant choice. You would be correct, too. But free will is not the ability to choose between
morally significant options… it is the freedom to choose between
any options.
Although God is all-powerful, it is not possible for Him to grant us free will and the ability to make moral choices while simultaneously limiting our choices to the “good” only. Limiting our freedom would itself be a bad thing, and God does not make bad things.
The question here is: “why is it a bad thing to eliminate
some of the ‘bad choices’?” Observe the all-important part: “SOME” of the bad choices. We do it all the time in our inferior and ineffective ways, we try to eliminate the “freedom” of certain people. We put them into jails and prisons, we try to eliminate their freedom to perform some “evil” acts. You presented the argument that “
limiting our freedom would be a bad thing”, and this is a
very broad, sweeping argument. But you did not substantiate: “why” is it a bad thing?
Consequently, we have been given free will and the potential to choose to do evil; but the actualization of that potential is our decision, not God’s. We could freely choose to do only good, but we choose to do bad or evil things all the time. The responsibility for those choices is on us, not God.
Let’s slow down a little. The responsibility is NOT totally ours. If you have substantial knowledge that a murder/rape/torture WILL be committed,
and you have the ways and means to prevent it,
and you fail to act to prevent that murder… then you definitely share the responsibility with the actual perpetrator. We could argue about the share of responsibility between you and the perp, but that is a secondary consideration.
In summary, there is no logical contradiction in the fact that both God and evil exist, and the possibility of choosing evil is a necessary condition of having true freedom to make moral choices. Thus, it is simply a false notion that an all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good God would be able or even want to eliminate evil for the reasons we have seen in this exercise.
You bring up the phrase “true” freedom. There can be “true” freedom without rape and murder and torture. As the Catholic ethics teaches if one performs masturbations or extra-marital sexual acts, or even contraceptive sex in a sacramental marriage, these actions are “true” moral choices. If God would “
wish” to fill up the torture chamber called “hell” with people, then having “sexual deviants” would do the task just nicely. There is no “need” for giving the ability to torture and rape others.
So, I do not endorse the activities of those who do evil nor am I their advocate. But I am in favor of free will which entails the potential for evil deeds for which neither God nor I am responsible (except my own).
implicitly but not explicitly endorse their freedom. You are only responsible for those acts which you (personally) commit and for those which you fail to prevent (if there are such acts). But God has no such excuse. He could prevent all those acts, and since he does not, he shares the blame for them.
A quick summary. I see no reason to allow “too much freedom to hurt others”. And I have never seen any argument for allowing “too much freedom”… especially we have
very limited freedom to help others. No “lay on hands”, no way to rescue people trapped in a mine or in a sunk submarine.