there are studies showing that four a day is the number that protects against something or another . . .Dude, my limit is four (if you can believe that)
For me it was in grad school, and the coffee club in my suite. It was so easy to top off my cup.I decided when I was drinking an entire pot of coffee a day, and that’s no exaggeration, that maybe I should come down a little bit on it
Understand, caffeine doesn’t make me alert, nor does it keep me awake (to stay awake for late nights, I went into campustown for a spicy Italian sandwich with extra peppers, which would make my stomach gurgle.). I need at least two shots of novocaine where a normal person needs one before a dentist can work on me.
I just like the stuff.
But at the quantity that led to, even though it had no benefit, it was running me into the ground and leaving me fatigued.
So I switched to my own pot of decaf on my desk (which became a vacuum pot in time!

Then I got headaches every Tuesday, which I eventually tied to drinking regular (from my wife’s pot) over the weekend and caffein withdrawal.
Yeah, it doesn’t keep me awake, or alert, or help me concentrate, but I get the withrdrawls . . .
Does it date me that I drink my coffee “as black as Gorbachev’s soul”?Black as midnight on a moonless night.

hawk, who sometimes roasts his own beans