Coffee or coffee? The answer is Coffee!

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Oh yeah. Eating a Kid’s Kuisine with a backwards neon green baseball cap. Ah, the 90s.
My mom could drink cold coffee and cold tea (not iced, just room temp)
I can drink coffee that way, almost any way, except I just don’t like it scalding hot as you get at fast-food joints.

how do you taste it when it burns your mouth?

will have to repost in the complaining thread
I forgot to have coffee. But I did have hot chocolate. Does that count?
Dude he explained why and it’s not an insignificant issue. Please be respectful.
Bless his heart.
You’re trying to outsouthern me, you ain’t going to win this one, bless your heart, but I don’t know what in the sam hill you thinking ‘bout, tryin’ to make a joke out of a legitimate medical problem.
In that case, my hot chocolate didn’t count either. It was warm, not scalding hot.
“Lukewarm chocolate” just doesn’t have that ring to it.
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