Just my .02 cents:
I don’t care one way or the other what the players do. But, to me the core of the CP and other players doing this during the ‘Entertainment Production that is the game’ with the audience in the stands, is it’s a workplace conduct issue about what type of product the NFL is trying to sell. Up to the NFL as to how they want their employees to conduct themselves in the workplace as it affects their product.
If I tune into the game, I do so, for entertainment. I have plenty of venues to ponder and discuss social and political issues. If I’m with other folks watching a game it’s also a bonding experience amongst fans, put aside any other differences within the context of following and cheering on our teams. During the week if I see someone with a sticker, shirt, cap with ‘my’ team’s logo on it, that can be an opportunity to chat about something unifying — regardless of any other difference in race, politics, gender etc. The players now bringing this into the game production now a potential distraction from the entertainment as well as something that can be divisive and disruptive.
Diversity seems to be a code-word for fomenting divisions vice unity. Sports, in some ways, has more upside in bringing diverse people together than many other venues.
Plenty of worthy causes out there, how many does the NFL want to introduce into the game production. They’ve brought breast cancer awareness into the game. Should they bring in pro-life? Should they bring in prostate cancer awareness? Should they bring in Veteran’s care? Are they morphing from a sports entertainment product to a social issues presentation product? Is the game’s purpose only to draw audiences for political/social messages?
Because, I’ll tune out not because I disagree with CP about the seriousness of police brutality, misconduct, or misuse of force against people of all colors. If that’s something I want to spend a couple hours of my life focusing on-- I’ll do it someplace else.
A lot of players volunteer a lot of their time on worthy causes they’re interested in. Without bringing it into the Entertainment Production which is the game.
I don’t care one way or the other what the players do. But, to me the core of the CP and other players doing this during the ‘Entertainment Production that is the game’ with the audience in the stands, is it’s a workplace conduct issue about what type of product the NFL is trying to sell. Up to the NFL as to how they want their employees to conduct themselves in the workplace as it affects their product.
If I tune into the game, I do so, for entertainment. I have plenty of venues to ponder and discuss social and political issues. If I’m with other folks watching a game it’s also a bonding experience amongst fans, put aside any other differences within the context of following and cheering on our teams. During the week if I see someone with a sticker, shirt, cap with ‘my’ team’s logo on it, that can be an opportunity to chat about something unifying — regardless of any other difference in race, politics, gender etc. The players now bringing this into the game production now a potential distraction from the entertainment as well as something that can be divisive and disruptive.
Diversity seems to be a code-word for fomenting divisions vice unity. Sports, in some ways, has more upside in bringing diverse people together than many other venues.
Plenty of worthy causes out there, how many does the NFL want to introduce into the game production. They’ve brought breast cancer awareness into the game. Should they bring in pro-life? Should they bring in prostate cancer awareness? Should they bring in Veteran’s care? Are they morphing from a sports entertainment product to a social issues presentation product? Is the game’s purpose only to draw audiences for political/social messages?
Because, I’ll tune out not because I disagree with CP about the seriousness of police brutality, misconduct, or misuse of force against people of all colors. If that’s something I want to spend a couple hours of my life focusing on-- I’ll do it someplace else.
A lot of players volunteer a lot of their time on worthy causes they’re interested in. Without bringing it into the Entertainment Production which is the game.