College Professors and Politics

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jlw said:

And it isn’t just on college campuses, but high schools, grade schools and probably daycare centers, too!!

most people have a tenancy to go their own way, and form their own opinions after they get out of school… i dare say most of us here felt one way when in college, one way when we were young raising children, other ways when our children were grown, and now different ways with grandchildren…

heck most all of our parents if still living probably feel there were times that they could have written us off…

allow people to grow, think, and establlish their own opinions… lets not stifle those opinions that differ with ours… let’s engage in meaningful dialog, because it’s only then that we will come together…

nuf soap box… sorry… 👍
jlw said:

And it isn’t just on college campuses, but high schools, grade schools and probably daycare centers, too!!

I have just this minute been listening to George Will talk about a more chilling effect they are having - and that is since most of these “thinkers from the Viet Nam mentality of yesterday” have tenure they are only giving tenure to those who mirror themselves, thus people who don’t think like them, don’t agree with them have to read and follow the conservative think tanks where the ideas of many of us are being expressed. He also mentioned “pity the poor student” who doesn’t reflect back what the teacher wants to hear and says he doesn’t hold out much hope for an improvement in the world of academia because of this “tenure” deathlock they have.
My son had a major disagreement with a 7th grade teacher (English) that did major Bush bashing. He had stated that Bush only went to Yale because his dad got him in. My son had been listening with me to Hannity and Colmes and O’Reilly Factor enough to know that he should ask for the teachers’s sources. He did so, by asking the teacher if he had seen Bush’s SAT scores? When he couldn’t say he had, then he was flustered and was put out with my son. It was in May, so I didn’t call to complain. I let it rest.

However, when two honors classes had to be condensed into one, my son lost out to honors English for 8th grade. The decision was based on 5 factors, with teacher recommendation being just one. All his other scores would have placed him in Honors, but the teacher recommendation was marked down low to exclude my son. I called, but didn’t request that it be changed because the teacher that caused the whole problem was going to be the 8th grade teacher.

He went on to Catholic High School and he is in honors everything there. Some of his teachers are even conservative! He says they pray every day for the end of abortion. Thank God for Catholic school!

I warn my college daughter to be careful about leftist teachers. I ask her all the time about it. She shrugs off any political comments. Her campus is more conservative than either coast so she meets some conservative teachers too.
I can certainly relate to this! I’m in an East Coast grad school right now and plan on being a professor in about 4 years. I’m also a conservative, and boy do I feel isolated sometimes! All of my professors are extremely left-wing and most of my classmates (the future professors) are as well. I have found a whopping 2 other conservatives in my dept (out of about 40 students). I’ve often wondered why academia attracts liberals more than conservatives. Maybe it’s because the climate has been liberal for so long that conservative students feel discouraged about even trying to enter the field. I don’t know, but I hope to be a role model and a breath of fresh right-wing air someday to my students. As for discrimination, I do worry about it. So far I haven’t had any problems, but also none of my profs know that I’m a conservative, AFAIK. Other students do and I fear that some of them will let it slip around a professor and then I’ll start seeing retaliation. ONe thing I’ve learned by being around so many liberals is that they are anything but tolerant of other views, despite what they say.
I can certainly relate to this! I’m in an East Coast grad school right now and plan on being a professor in about 4 years. I’m also a conservative, and boy do I feel isolated sometimes! All of my professors are extremely left-wing and most of my classmates (the future professors) are as well. I have found a whopping 2 other conservatives in my dept (out of about 40 students). I’ve often wondered why academia attracts liberals more than conservatives. Maybe it’s because the climate has been liberal for so long that conservative students feel discouraged about even trying to enter the field. I don’t know, but I hope to be a role model and a breath of fresh right-wing air someday to my students. As for discrimination, I do worry about it. So far I haven’t had any problems, but also none of my profs know that I’m a conservative, AFAIK. Other students do and I fear that some of them will let it slip around a professor and then I’ll start seeing retaliation. ONe thing I’ve learned by being around so many liberals is that they are anything but tolerant of other views, despite what they say.
I fear that some of them will let it slip around a professor and then I’ll start seeing retaliation.
You have my total empathy; I had a philosophy professor (rabid feminist) who thought I was terrific until she gathered my religious and political views weren’t hers. From then on until the end of the semester she rode me like I was a new pony she had to break. Even my classmates took note - it was an experience I can tell you and one I’ve never forgotten.
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