Holy Family is excellent as well. The pastor is an excellent confessor who has always imparted sage advice to this simple sinner. I second (or is it third?) Saint Patricks on Naughten… During the weekdays, two priests hear confession every day… And their is a line for both. It is a parish that means business!
For a special treat, an opportunity should be taken to visit Saint John Chrysostom Byzantine Catholic (my home parish) on Cleveland Ave. It is one of the fineset and most complete churches of its type in America.
The iconography and the architecture is amazing… It is a real gem of a Byzantine Church, and Father Terry (no familiarity assumed, we all call priests by frist name as Greek Catholics!) gives a decent homily every week and has a great voice for chanting the service.
For weekday Masses, the “Lunchtime Low” at the Cathedral is excellent if your friend will be working downtown… 30-40 people on thier lunch hour make it (starts at 12:05), so no singing but always reverent.