Commander In Chief

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So you do not think Hollywood has a leftist slant. Where have you been?
I never said Hollywood didn’t lean to the left, but that doesn’t mean this new show is a left wing conspircay. Fox News leans to the right, but is it part of a vast right wing conspiracy?
I never said Hollywood didn’t lean to the left, but that doesn’t mean this new show is a left wing conspircay. Fox News leans to the right, but is it part of a vast right wing conspiracy?
Hollywood is left, doesn’t just lean…The new show is liberal/left leaning but not a conspiracy, Fox News is fair and balanced…not something some folks are used to…son logique 😉
Hollywood is left, doesn’t just lean…The new show is liberal/left leaning but not a conspiracy, Fox News is fair and balanced…not something some folks are used to…son logique 😉
Yeah, sure. aucune son opinion
Okay, I saw this show last night. It was okay. It was interesting, but not spectacular. The idea of an Independent VP is a bit bizarre. I might watch it again.

I don’t see it as a ploy to get Hillary elected in '08. It’s just a TV show.
If the Democrats are going to put Hillary up for the presidency, then the Republicans will have to respond in kind. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Elizabeth Dole, or Condoleeza Rice would be good choices to go against Hillary.
CONDI’s pro-abortion position is not something to be proud of. And further more not a good idea to be promoting a pro-abortion president such as CONDI.
Yes, I know that they may not be pro-life to some people’s satisfaction, but are any of them that can win? Consider the alternative.
Consider the alternative? I hope you don’t mean the Republican Party that literally pays lip service to conservative christian groups. The republican party doesn’t do anything to promote pro-life.
I did not realize Condoleeza Rice was pro-choice… 😦

well I take back my Condi for President statements (and yes I was already afraid that she wouldn’t want the job…)
I did not realize Condoleeza Rice was pro-choice… 😦

well I take back my Condi for President statements (and yes I was already afraid that she wouldn’t want the job…)
I always tell people that it’s not my job to tell people how to vote.
Hollywood is left, doesn’t just lean…The new show is liberal/left leaning but not a conspiracy, Fox News is fair and balanced…not something some folks are used to…son logique 😉
?! I watch CNN for a left-slant version of the news and I watch FOX for a right-slant version of the news, and I hope that the aggregate information I gather resembles a “balanced” truth. Both channels are valuable. But I would never go so far as to say they are not slanted! Good grief…
I did not realize Condoleeza Rice was pro-choice… 😦

well I take back my Condi for President statements (and yes I was already afraid that she wouldn’t want the job…)
Condi is “kind of Libertarian” on the issue of abortion.

Abortion Position of Condoleezza Rice – US Secretary of State:%between%

Rice has no intention of running for the presidency, and I doubt that Elizabeth Dole has any intention either.
Back onto the TV show:

I thought it was pretty darn good. I’ll give it a few more epsiodes to see if its something I want to watch on a regualr basis. 🙂
If the Democrats are going to put Hillary up for the presidency, then the Republicans will have to respond in kind.
No they won’t. Right or wrong there is still a huge percentage of people in this country that can not yet concieve of a female President and the groundswell of opposition to Hillary is going to be like nothing we have ever seen before. She already has problems with her re-election to the Senate to deal with first.
I thought the show was ok. Only one episode, so we shall see what the next few bring before dh & I decide if we’ll watch it regularly.

And I’m with the others who say that it’s just a TV show. And even if in Hollywood’s minds, it is geared towards something else, who cares? I’m an adult who can make up my own mind about something, and I don’t let myself be influenced by a TV show.
I have not seen this show, and the premise dosen’t interest me so I most likely will never watch it. I did see the promos for it. I told my brother that I would make a prediction that the role Donald Sutherland plays will be the “Evil Sexist/Conservative/Republican!” I’m sure that someone who has watched the show will set me straight on my prediction! I don’t think the show is a conspiracy of any kind, it’s just that Hollywood is what it is, left-leaning. No surprises here. I don’t watch any network dramas (except 24), sit-coms(are usually juvenile and not funny to me), but I’m open for suggestions. Usually I get annoyed or disappointed with network television. “Entertainment” is relative.
I did not watch this show but I have watched *The West Wing *a few times and I thought it was very left wing (also a little boring) That being said I don’t see how anyone could write a story about a president with out being either conservative or libral. That’s is just the way it is. Why do you assume that a woman president must necessarily be libral even on a TV show?
And I’m with the others who say that it’s just a TV show. And even if in Hollywood’s minds, it is geared towards something else, who cares? I’m an adult who can make up my own mind about something, and I don’t let myself be influenced by a TV show.
(emph added).

Oh yes you do: from the clothes you wear to the way you have your hair, you do.

For any who doubt that this is part of Hillary’s campaign:
  1. I don’t even watch much TV. So, how did I know about this show? It’s advertised all over town. It also got front page in the newspaper TV section
  2. Someone reported that the chief writer worked for Clinton.
The 2008 presidential campaign kicks off in two days with the premier of the ABC television show, COMMANDER IN CHIEF.

They are attempting to prepare us Americans for Hillary’s arrival into the Oval Office, and it makes me mad! :mad: This is the only show that I see advertised on billboards and busses around town.

I wonder they’ll go so far as to make the actress look like her?
I watched the show - it has an interesting premise, in that a woman becomes President not on her merits but by accident, as though the idea of a woman running on issues and her abilities is so incredibly far fetched … but then again, I am one of those crazy, faithful obedient daughters of the Holy Mother Church - you know, a TRUE feminist!
I watched the show - it has an interesting premise, in that a woman becomes President not on her merits but by accident, as though the idea of a woman running on issues and her abilities is so incredibly far fetched … but then again, I am one of those crazy, faithful obedient daughters of the Holy Mother Church - you know, a TRUE feminist!
I have no problem with a woman being president. From earlier posts in this thread, the Republicans don’t exactly have a “go to gal” right now.

Here’s another reason why the show’s purpose is desensitization: by the title, it addresses head-on what is probably the most disconcerting idea to most Americans, which is the idea of a woman leading our military.
Blech, blech and double-blech. Can’t stand Geena Davis period.
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