Comments on the Olympics

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Anyone else annoyed about what the female beach volleyball players are wearing? The men wear shorts and either t-shirts or tank tops. Why do the women have to wear bikinis??? A number of female friends have complained. Men, does it bother you? —KCT
interesting observation! my husband and i have discussed the same issue, and it’s to the point where he won’t watch the female competitions if he feels like they’re too scantily dressed.

ESPECIALLY the volleyball players.
I just could not get into the Olympics this year, so I have not watched any of them. Anyone else feel this way?
I don’t see a problem with what they are wearing because that is what you wear when you play beach vollyball. I’m not even paying attention to what they’re wearing because have you seen the way May and Walsh play? They’re excellent!!! And it’s not like they’re parading their bodies around in a sexy way. They’re atheletes. I don’t think men get a rise out of women spiking vollyballs. In order to play their sport to the best of their ability then that’s what they have to wear. You all act like you’ve never seen a girl in a bikini before!
I don’t so much have a problem with the idea of people playing beach volleyball in bathing suits as I do with the fact that the sport seems to have been added to the Olympics solely to boost TV ratings. There’s already a standard volleyball competition. Why was there a need for a second competition with the women in tiny suits?

Otherwise, I’ve enjoyed what I’ve watched of the Olympics- mostly gymnastics and swimming. I’m not an athlete (and can barely swim) and it always amazes me to see what limits other people can reach in terms of strength and abilities.
I don’t see a problem with what they are wearing because that is what you wear when you play beach vollyball. I’m not even paying attention to what they’re wearing because have you seen the way May and Walsh play? They’re excellent!!! And it’s not like they’re parading their bodies around in a sexy way. They’re atheletes. I don’t think men get a rise out of women spiking vollyballs. In order to play their sport to the best of their ability then that’s what they have to wear. You all act like you’ve never seen a girl in a bikini before!
True, true. That AND, folks, it’s like 100 degrees there. I wouldn’t want an extra inch of clothing on my body in that kind of heat!
I don’t so much have a problem with the idea of people playing beach volleyball in bathing suits as I do with the fact that the sport seems to have been added to the Olympics solely to boost TV ratings. There’s already a standard volleyball competition. Why was there a need for a second competition with the women in tiny suits?

It’s a much different game. The tactics are different b/c you only have 2 people on a team. It’s fast and exciting… and the epitome of beach life, which is where it’s set!

I also have been amazed by the swimmers this year… although it was pretty rough this weekend when I was watching the swimming while spending time with ozzie friends in a mostly Australian bar… 🙂 As an American they gave me a hard time. All in the name of fun, though!
A lot of my friends have been talking about it. All my male friends have complained about it. And a few female friends as well. You don’t need to wear bathing suits to play volleyball in. Now spandex shorts and a tank top makes sense, even a sport’s bra I can understand… But there’s definitely that sex appeal in their current apparel, and it’s written into the rules of the game!

I love beach volleyball, I play it and really enjoy watching it. I don’t really notice the female’s scanty dress, (only envying their flat stomachs) but I’m not a guy. We can’t always measure modesty by the female opinion… 🙂
Anyone else annoyed about what the female beach volleyball players are wearing? The men wear shorts and either t-shirts or tank tops. Why do the women have to wear bikinis??? A number of female friends have complained. Men, does it bother you? —KCT
I’m a girl, but I hate it. Though the players don’t have a choice of what they wear. I feel bad for them. I can’t remember who it is though who chooses what they wear.😦 I love watching the winter olympics. Ice skating is my favorite! Though for summer I like volleyball, swimming, and gymnastics. Just my :twocents: worth!
I don’t see a problem with what they are wearing because that is what you wear when you play beach vollyball. I’m not even paying attention to what they’re wearing because have you seen the way May and Walsh play? They’re excellent!!! And it’s not like they’re parading their bodies around in a sexy way. They’re atheletes. I don’t think men get a rise out of women spiking vollyballs. In order to play their sport to the best of their ability then that’s what they have to wear. You all act like you’ve never seen a girl in a bikini before!

Really??..God made men as sexual beings with primary stimulation through our visual sense. The bit of viewing that I caught with my wife and preteen kids made my wife and me uncomfortable. I felt as if I were viewing some soft porn display of swimsuit attire…you know, the scantily clad female models on the covers of various sports and other magazines meant to catch the eye of male consumers. Your above comment belies a naivette and/or rationalization for lack of decent modesty for family viewing.

I for myself do not pretend to be okay with watching half the rear of some female I am not married to commnading my attention. I believe that everyone honestly knows that they are using sex appeal to attract male viewers under the guise that the focus will shift to the athletic abilities of the players, and that the Brea__ & Butto___ show will fade from consious view. Yeah, right. What kind of message are we sending/importing to the young folks regarding what attributes and communicated values are worth emulating.

The network even did a spot of interviewing spectators of the female volleyball competition and each male admitted that the lack of modest dress was a drawing factor of interest in the sport competition. Even the cameras on closer shots keep the view above waist (as also largely the same with gymnastics and high diver buttock areas). The female volleyball player in an interview likewise when questioned made no bones that displaying her scantily clad body as a way to initially draw interest to the competition that otherwise may be wanting; and stated with the hopes that the viewers will then realize and focus on the athletic portion of the competitive display. Yeah right. Do women not get it, men are visual and easily tantalized in their thoughts (the advertisers obviously get it).

I for one am uncomfortable watching this sport, the lack of modest dressing is distracting at best. I remind myself that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I ask myself would I be comfortable asking Jesus to accompany me to watch this sport-no I wouldn’t.

I really don’t see what the big deal is about the bikinis. Female gymnasts who are just berely teenagers wear skin tight leotards, gaudy makeup, and they move their body in a much more sensual way than volleyball players. Ice skaters also wear the same type of leotard, and men and women swimmers wear bathing suits and speedos. All sports clothing is close-fitting. So what? If someone is getting a sexual rise out of Olympic atheletes then there is something really wrong with that situation.

Volleyball players arent there to show off their bodies, they are there to play their hearts out for this country and for themselves. No one is looking into their clothing as closely as people are on this forum. They are not wearing gaudy make-up and strutting themselves on the court.

Greek women in the ancient days used to exercise naked and then rub themselves down with olive oil afterward. The men saw it as a beautiful thing, but not sexual, that they took such good care of their bodies.
felra, good response. As I was reading the earlier posts, I had to think that women just don’t understand men. and you hit the nail on the head. 👍

Men are going to notice what those beach vollleyball players are wearing. As a man told me yest–“You seen those women beach volleyballers! Yooowwzzerr!!”"
I don’t mind the swimsuits so much as the fact that they were skimpy suits that did not give them proper coverage. Completely disregarding the fact that they may have been immodest, how in the world do they play a sport in clothing like that?? Every time they made a play, they would stop afterwards and…after giving each other 12 pats on the arse, would commence digging their swimsuits out of their rears.

Wear bigger bottoms and that would not be so much of a problem, ladies!!

I don’t know about the titillation factor, as I am female but I will say that I didn’t perceive them to be sexy. They were very athletic and “male” in their actions, imo.

Really??..God made men as sexual beings with primary stimulation through our visual sense. The bit of viewing that I caught with my wife and preteen kids made my wife and me uncomfortable. I felt as if I were viewing some soft porn display of swimsuit attire…

I for one am uncomfortable watching this sport, the lack of modest dressing is distracting at best. I remind myself that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I ask myself would I be comfortable asking Jesus to accompany me to watch this sport-no I wouldn’t.

If it makes you feel uncomfortable and your family, then **DON’T WATCH IT!!! **And, if it bothers you so much, then **do something about it! **Be prepared to cover your children’s eyes when they go to a beach or pool when they see a woman in a bikini.

If they want to parade their bodies to get attention, then that’s their problem, they’ll have to take that up with God. My point is that other mature people don’t see it as a problem. My boyfriend and I watched it last night and we both marveled at how powerful the women were and their talent. My boyfriend is mature enough not to tantilize women on TV or other media.
I really don’t see what the big deal is about the bikinis. Female gymnasts who are just berely teenagers wear skin tight leotards, gaudy makeup, and they move their body in a much more sensual way than volleyball players. Ice skaters also wear the same type of leotard, and men and women swimmers wear bathing suits and speedos. All sports clothing is close-fitting. So what? If someone is getting a sexual rise out of Olympic atheletes then there is something really wrong with that situation.

Volleyball players arent there to show off their bodies, they are there to play their hearts out for this country and for themselves. No one is looking into their clothing as closely as people are on this forum. They are not wearing gaudy make-up and strutting themselves on the court.

Greek women in the ancient days used to exercise naked and then rub themselves down with olive oil afterward. The men saw it as a beautiful thing, but not sexual, that they took such good care of their bodies.
Okay StratusRose…5 minutes to respond and refute my post from the male point a view…I question the thoughtfulness and/or seriousness of this “dialogue” on your part…but hey, this is not necessarily a “grave matter” per see…just an observation.:hmmm:
Okay StratusRose…5 minutes to respond and refute my post from the male point a view…I question the thoughtfulness and/or seriousness of this “dialogue” on your part…but hey, this is not necessarily a “grave matter” per see…just an observation.:hmmm:
Actually, Felra, I saw your response to my post after I posted the one you just quoted. So it was a technicality.

I don’t really care if you question how I feel about the subject. I just look at it in a different way than everyone else.
I don’t really care if you question how I feel about the subject. I just look at it in a different way than everyone else.
This I know. Again, your naivette brightly shines regarding how God made men as visual in their sexual stimulation (again, something that the advertisers acutely understand and capitalize on), which is something that not all women do not appreciate. My godly and mature wife certainly understands this, delights in that my hardrive is intact and working, and respects that I reserve my attentions for her. I am done in this exchange.

God Bless. 🙂
I just could not get into the Olympics this year, so I have not watched any of them. Anyone else feel this way?
I’m with you. I chose this year not to get into the Olympic scene at all, although I might watch the final wrapup highlight program. I didn’t even watch the bike races, which surprised my wife, since I am a road biker and had just spent hours in July watching a different Lance set a record in France 😃

Good Morning Church

I was amazed at the judging last night in mens gymnastics.
I felt so sorry for Paul Hamm but as usual he was able to rise to the occaision.

I wasn’t thrilled about the behavior of the crowd but I imagine it will have a beneficial effect on future judging. At least we can hope.
I was amazed at the judging last night in mens gymnastics.
I felt so sorry for Paul Hamm but as usual he was able to rise to the occaision.
Ugh. It’s turning into the same judging junk that always messes up the Winter Olympic figure skating. At least this time it doesn’t appear that the judges are accepting bribes or specifically voting along political lines (unlike skating). But who knows?
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