Why do Catholics seperate Confirmation from Baptism given that it’s necessary to “recieve the holy Spirit” anyways? I guess kind of like the Orthodox who do this at Baptism too.
Also, what is the basis of waiting until the age of Reason for Holy Communion? Is it to fully understand the real presence? Because, truth is, Most Catholics don’t understand this at that age, at least I never really did, I just believed it was Jesus because i was taught to.
Just food for thought. I am really “getting into” Catholicism now even though I’ve been Catholic all my life. My born-again Christian girlfriend has really inspired me, and I want to be able to aptly teach my kids some day. Thanks.
Also, what is the basis of waiting until the age of Reason for Holy Communion? Is it to fully understand the real presence? Because, truth is, Most Catholics don’t understand this at that age, at least I never really did, I just believed it was Jesus because i was taught to.
Just food for thought. I am really “getting into” Catholicism now even though I’ve been Catholic all my life. My born-again Christian girlfriend has really inspired me, and I want to be able to aptly teach my kids some day. Thanks.