Compensate Africa's Losses

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I would be very inclined to support such an initiative with a sense of obligation through a Catholic agency like Caritas.

The Church has added its voice to climate change resolution and urges developed countries to devise a compensation mechanism for Africa to cover for the loss and damage incurred, fueling concern for far-reaching food crisis and other calamities spurred by climate change.

The church in their deliberations emphasized the moral duty of richer nations who are responsible for the climate crisis to establish a compensation mechanism for the vulnerable nations and youths.

“The climate crisis is fundamentally an issue of justice and peace. There can be no peace if polluters continue to profit from climate destruction whilst the people suffer, and there can be no justice without promotion of peace-led solutions to climate change”, said Ben Wilson, Partner Advocacy Officer the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) and member of the African Climate Dialogues Steering Committee.

COP27, they contend must agree to a package of action which gets finance to people who urgently need it on the frontlines of this emergency.

Meeting jointly on the sidelines of the conference running from November 6-18 in Sharma Sheik, the senior church leaders and Catholic Organisations pray and discern practical actions to advocate for climate justice change.

  • The church envisages that the COP 27, being held on African soil, will deliberate on loss and damage caused to the continent and ultimately deliver tangible action plans to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote resilience.*
  • These will in turn provide funding to developing countries for both climate adaptation and loss and damage already occurring as a result of climate change, the Vatican News, a Catholic publication cites the leaders as advocating.*
Interest groups and the Africa Group of Negotiators are lobbying for serious considerations to see reduced greenhouse gas emissions by developed nations…

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