I personally don’t understand why people find it necessary to comment negatively on topics of others threads. That’s the beautiful thing of these forums, is that you can pick and choose the threads you want to participate in.
If the topic doesn’t interest you or annoys you … than use your free will and don’t participate.
Personally, I think someone who is having problems with thier marriage is better coming here for suggestions and advice, being the majority is pro family, than talking to other more worldly minded individuals that will do nothing but encourage them to “look out for number one” and go and “find themselves.”
We are ALL works in progress. If we don’t have anything helpful to offer, it is best to just stay out of it, instead of using the opportunity to glorify ourselves by snubbing our nose and invalidating the feelings of other posters, or making them feel bad for asking for suggestions.
I totally agree. I once posted a legitimate thread about my mom asking for serious advice on how to deal with it, and was totally TRASHED, called horrible names, my good name was bashed into the ground and it was intentionally misinterpreted.
I also do not understand the need of some people to put down other’s threads. Make a comment if you wish, but no need to put another person down and make them feel badly for asking for advice, support or a place to discuss issues in marriage. If you don’t like a thread, don’t participate in it, in most cases, the less attention given it, the sooner it drops off the zone.
I find it a bit disturbing that just because a few members discuss marital problems with their husbands, other members feel the need to rave about their great marriages, sort of an intentional “rubbing it in their faces” as if they have no right to complain or ask for advice.
I have what anyone coudl consider a great marriage, but that doesn’t mean we *never *have problems. I was the one who started a thread about my husband not giving me anything for Valentines Day. I guess that could fit into the slot of “threads complaining about husbands” But I must tell you all, that the process of the thread, the advice, being able to joke about it, helped me put things into perspective. It definitely helped me to discuss and the advice was welcome, or I wouldnt’ have asked for it! However if someone had posted a comment or thread making me feel like a heel or a whiner or a husband basher or a nag, I would have felt very upset and bad about myself. Because of being able to discuss it on the forums, I was able to put it all in perspective and didn’t nag my husband one bit.
There is no need to make others feel worse because they posted a thread asking for advice or support, or just to discuss.