Complain about husbands forum?

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I can relate to you all saying you don’t feel like you have anyone to talk too. I feel the same way. I don’t say that because I want to bash my wife, but in a general way. As a male, I find it hard to find friends to be completely open with. I think its funny/strange that many of us have to turn to web sites and the people we meet there for support and encouragement. But we should be thankful that there is someplace for us to go. Its not easy to find people that will support you “in-person” so to speak.
Just chiming in…
I hope that all things are good with you all.
Greetings all,
I would never post a problem about my wife on a forum. I would consider it a betrayal of the intimacy of our marital union which I, as a man, am supposed to protect. Also, alot of us guys have learned that little is gained by complaining. We suck it up and take the hits.
It sounds like you are not one of the husbands whose wives would need to discuss on the forums. If you have a great relationship and respect your wife and are the kind of man who keeps strivng to be the best husband/ father, humble enough to learn from mistakes and forgive your wife when she makes them, then she probably has no serious complaints!

The women who discussed problems here, have serious issues and dont’ have anyone else to talk with. I hope that they can find the compassion, advice and prayers that they so desperately need from members here. If a person is desparate enough to need to discuss these issues in a forum, that in itself makes me think that they might not have anyone they can trust in “real life” with these burdens. I’m glad they came here. Who knows what love and compassion can do for their lives?

BTW, I respect your thoughts on not wanting to betray your wife by discussing her on an online forum. That is certainly the ideal, but, unfortunately not everyone is in the ideal situation and may not have anyone else to turn to.

Does anyone else think this thread has turned into a* great* unexpected discussion?
Hey has anyone noticed that this forum is becoming a complaining session about husbands?
I just logged on and the top 5 topics are all “I asked my husband to move out”, “Sometimes I really dislike my husband” and “how to get husband to do housework?”

I feel sorry for any guys who log on and feel kinda…nagged?


P.S. I’m only being semi-serious here guys so don’t get offended!
I’ve also noticed that large quantities of masturbation threads cycle in now and then. Maybe there is a correlation?
Nagging wife threads = masturbation threads?
The thing is…every marriage has its ups and downs. Everyone who is married Knows how difficult it really and truely is! I hope no one who is having trouble in there marriage ever feels alone about it…I always read those threads and think…that could be us…

About why women start the threads…Women are more communicative…men don’t talk about marriage issues until it’s too late most of the time…communication is the way women problem solve…

I don’t know how many Ladies are in my situation…but I don’t have anyone to talk to. It is a big no-no to talk to family IMO, because you can forgive him and move on…but your Mom might still be mad and distrustful (My mom holds grudges…I NEVER tell anything)…and so if things were rough I would be more inclined to jump on-line and vent…Not today though…we are O.K. for now :eek:

Even if you don’t have on-going marrital difficulties…Anyone who is married can imagine!
Lillith, I am in a similar situation! My husband is my closest friend so when he is gone on a mission I have very few friends to have a heart to heat with. There have been many times that I was thankful for these forums because It kept me from experiencing total loneliness when he is gone for a few weeks I also enjoy writing more than talking so thisis right up my alley. I would never discuss problems with my mom or sisters, they too hold grudges and my mom already has more than i care to count against my husband!

Also, if I had a problem in my marriage, he is the only person I could discuss it with, and sometimes it is good to have an outside opinion or suggestion, a different way of looking at a situation. Women probably need this more than men. We rarely have problems so when we do it throws me for a loop, and if he is gone and we can’t talk about it, I get a bit edgy so I would probably turn to the forum in hopes to find some other members who have been through it or have a suggestion or make me laugh.

Every now and then I develop a very good friendship with another woman, but those are rare blessings in my military wife life, because of frequent moves and professional boundaries! I wouldn’t to discuss problems with a wife whose husband works with mine.

My husband has no desire to spend time in forums, he doesn’t like writing and it isnt’ interesting enough for him!

This is officially my last post until Easter, I am giving up everything but email and Seton homeschool website for Lent!
Greetings comtemplative,
Wow, that one was right on! Sometimes I wonder whether these threads are themselves an occasion of sin. I think that complaining about spouses may be more of a wife thing, whereas the … other stuff … may be more of a guy thing.
I do think some prudence is required in discussing these things.
Hello All,

As we say at work … you could complain but who would listen…

We all do the best we can given the circumstances we are in. I think that we need to cut others some slack and support them were we can. Just my 2 cents…

Oh grow up people!

I never said people shouldn’t come to the forum to ask advice about their marriages! I was only half serious - as I said in the OP. It just struck me that day how all the top threads had problems with husbands. I wondered how the husbands around here felt about that.

Gee people are so over sensitive! You know if you can’t take a tongue in cheek comment I wonder how your husbands feel about your SERIOUS complaints!

Was just making light of the situation but I guess some are incapable of doing that.
I’m sincerely sorry if by posting the things I love about my husband I hurt anyone who is in a difficult marriage.
Sorry, but it is a sad day when some else views your complimenting your spouse as a personal insult.

One should never feel sorry that they have a spouse who they are proud of.

That thread clearly had the intent of prompting people to think positively about their spouses. Even if you have problems surely you can think of a good quality your spouse has.

Even when I’m mad at my wife, I don’t loose sight of the fact that she is the most generous person I know.
Oh grow up people!

I never said people shouldn’t come to the forum to ask advice about their marriages! I was only half serious - as I said in the OP. It just struck me that day how all the top threads had problems with husbands. I wondered how the husbands around here felt about that.

Gee people are so over sensitive! You know if you can’t take a tongue in cheek comment I wonder how your husbands feel about your SERIOUS complaints!

Was just making light of the situation but I guess some are incapable of doing that.
Grow up???
Some people have SERIOUS issues and you think it’s ok to make light of it… semi serious??? Many a true word is spoken in jest!
This is not a laughing matter for those who have miserable marriages… so maybe the best thing to do is say NOTHING!
Making light of the situation where there are so many husband threads at one time!
Not the situation that you are in personally!

Am I speaking greek here?

Well maybe I’m the one who cannot express views on this board. I would never tell anyone else not to express their views but apparently that is what I am being told.

Cadence said:
Making light of the situation where there are so many husband threads at one time!
Not the situation that you are in personally!
Am I speaking greek here?
Well maybe I’m the one who cannot express views on this board. I would never tell anyone else not to express their views but apparently that is what I am being told.

No you’re right and I am very sorry. I know you meant no harm and I am just being very over sensitive. Please forgive me
Thank you to all who participated - this thread is now closed.

Mane Nobiscum Domine,
Ferdinand Mary
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