Help the poor, yes.
But this leftist jargon - - what Bible is this from?
4) Institutional Change – CCHD’s mission “is to address the root causes of poverty in the U.S.” In Catholic Social Teaching, the
causes of poverty are understood to be an aspect of “social sin” rooted in our social and economic structures and institutions. In their economics pastoral, the bishops of the United States describe “A New American Experiment” that calls for
"an imaginative vision of the future that can help shape economic arrangements in creative new ways.” (295) This will require
alternative economic structures that will “expand economic participation, broaden the sharing of economic power, and make economic decisions more accountable to the common good.” (297)
In addition to just wages,
CCHD seeks a just balance of individual- and community-held assets. In
Rerum Novarum this vision was described in the following way: “If working people can be encouraged to look forward to obtaining a share of the land, the consequence will be that the gulf between vast wealth and sheer poverty will be bridged over, and the respective classes will be brought nearer to each other.” (47) Much more recently in 1963, Pope John XXIII wrote in
Pacem in Terris , “The right of private property is an effective means for safeguarding the dignity of the human person and for the exercise of responsibility in all fields; it strengthens and gives serenity to family life, thereby increasing the peace and prosperity.”
Seriously - - can someone break that down? What social and economic structures and institutions
specifically are the root causes of poverty?
Let’s look at wikipedia for some basic info:
"Causes of poverty are changing trends in a country’s economy. Associated with the
lack of education, high divorce rate,
a culture of [poverty](, [overpopulation](, epidemic diseases such as [AIDS]( and [malaria]([[1]]( and environmental problems such as lack of rainfall.[[2]]([[3]](
Extreme weather may be a cause of poverty in many countries. Drought, rainfall and flooding are some of the biggest causes of poverty by weather. …
Almost 50 percent of people in the world today live on less than $2.50 per day.
So, is the USCCB saying that a lack of education, high divorce rate, and the culture of poverty itself are the root causes of poverty in the US? What exactly are the bishops saying are the root causes of poverty? Presumably not drought, rainfall, or the lack thereof? What social structures?