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Is this sacrament absolutely necessary? I’m a teenager and was in classes to have confirmation, but we moved and have never gotten around to the classes. I’m thinking about waiting till I am off in college and ask a preist if he could do a quick confirmation just for me, or something like that. I don’t need a big ceremony.
Would that work or do I need a special mass to have confirmation?

Thanks in advance. 🙂
I’m pretty sure they only do them during the Easter season (between Easter and Pentecost) so if you’re going off to college next year, you’ll want to talk to the priest in September to get things going. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, but I do think they do it during Mass. You won’t regret doing it though, it is a special experience, whether you do it privately or publicly. It’s kind of a formal sealing of your faith in God’s church and you are sealed with the Holy Spirit. It’s an awesome experience. Good Luck with it :)!!!
Thanks for the insight! 👍

I’ll look into it next year, I know it varies from diocese to diocese as to how long the preparation are. It’s not that I don’t want to be confirmed, it’s just that a new city and sports make it almost impossible to deal with the classes. I attended three classes two years ago, and was pretty disappointed, we never did anything. We just talked and played games like foosball lol.
Yeah, it pretty much depends on where you go. Try to find a good RCIA program. Mine was great, but we did a lot of talking about other things too. I think part of it is that you don’t know how much it means until you have it, and then you are so hungry for knowledge of the church afterwards… that’s why I’m here 😃 But when I first started in college (eons ago) it was pretty informal, so I’m sure you’ll make out okay.
Is this sacrament absolutely necessary? I’m a teenager and was in classes to have confirmation, but we moved and have never gotten around to the classes. I’m thinking about waiting till I am off in college and ask a preist if he could do a quick confirmation just for me, or something like that. I don’t need a big ceremony.
Would that work or do I need a special mass to have confirmation?

Thanks in advance. 🙂
I felt very special when i was 11 years old receiving my Sacrament of Confirmation.

I was taught I was taking over the role that my parents chose when they had me baptised as a baby.

I was mature enough now in the Church’s eyes to “confirm” my beliefs, to take over my baptism vows.

It was a day I could receive the Holy Spirit into my life, just as the Apostles did at Pentecost Sunday.

I also was confirmed by the Archbishop, and received the “slap” in the face from him, which was very funny at the time, but also felt very holy.

I still have my medal, that depicts a dove, and remember the day as when I stood up and said “thank you” to my parents, and the Church, for baptising me and welcoming me into Gods family.

Hope that helps and inspires you

Love Kellie
The sacrament of Confirmation is not ‘necessary’ as such, if by necessary you mean required for salvation. However, it is the same sacrament conferred on the Apostles on Pentecost, the reception of the Holy Spirit that allowed them to proclaim the Good News with courage. It is one of 3 sacraments (baptism and Holy Orders being the other two) which the Church claims leaves an “idellible mark on the soul”. In other words, it completes initiation into the Christian life. Once you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit it can never be undone. I would encourage you to receive this sacrament. Your life will be greatly enriched if you do.

Also, make sure you pray about your Confirmation name! A beautiful tradition holds that whatever you choose, that’s what you will be called in Heaven!
Dr. Colossus:
The sacrament of Confirmation is not ‘necessary’ as such, if by necessary you mean required for salvation. However, it is the same sacrament conferred on the Apostles on Pentecost, the reception of the Holy Spirit that allowed them to proclaim the Good News with courage. It is one of 3 sacraments (baptism and Holy Orders being the other two) which the Church claims leaves an “idellible mark on the soul”. In other words, it completes initiation into the Christian life. Once you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit it can never be undone. I would encourage you to receive this sacrament. Your life will be greatly enriched if you do.

Also, make sure you pray about your Confirmation name! A beautiful tradition holds that whatever you choose, that’s what you will be called in Heaven!
I do hope that you take the time to get into the classes and be properly formed for your confirmation as it will help you deal with all the distractions from a faith filled life at college.
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