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I watched the movie yesterday, and I can say without reservation, that it is a lousy movie. It may be because it was so heavily edited, but it seemed just a collection of scenes, with little or no character developement or plot. They did capture the distress of the older priests at the loss of the Latin Mass. The scenes where the priests explained why the Latin Mass was so popular could have been fillmed today.

The only point I could see the author trying to make is the use of a traditional Catholic’s obedience to overcome his faith. Sad commentary on the state of the Church in the 70s that the author projected the rejection of the True Presence by the Vatican.

Overall, my wife and I agreed–glad that we only paid $1.00 for the DVD.
If a host falls, we should pick it up and give it to a priest? Otherwise, we’d be self-???, what’s the word?
Sorry, just saw this. No. The priest should pick up the host which should not be profaned by our hands.
I watched the movie yesterday, and I can say without reservation, that it is a lousy movie. It may be because it was so heavily edited, but it seemed just a collection of scenes, with little or no character developement or plot. They did capture the distress of the older priests at the loss of the Latin Mass. The scenes where the priests explained why the Latin Mass was so popular could have been fillmed today.
Overall, my wife and I agreed–glad that we only paid $1.00 for the DVD.
Oh I’m sorry you didn’t like it snorter 😦 I know it was poor quailty, I just though many in TC could relate to the struggled many faced losing what they held so dear. I know for me it opened my eyes a bit to our important the Latin Mass was for many. I think it must have been very devastating for many of the faithful and this is something I hadn’t given much thought to.

Anyway, sorry you didn’t like it.
Oh I’m sorry you didn’t like it snorter 😦 I know it was poor quailty, I just though many in TC could relate to the struggled many faced losing what they held so dear. I know for me it opened my eyes a bit to our important the Latin Mass was for many. I think it must have been very devastating for many of the faithful and this is something I hadn’t given much thought to.

Anyway, sorry you didn’t like it.
I thought they got the monks of the abby very well. The highlight of the movie is the two scenes where first the priest who said the Mass on the mainland and then the Novice Master defended the Latin Mass to Martin sheen’s character. I thought their defense was close to being right on. I just found the rest of the movie unbelievable. I can’t believe an Abbot could hide, much less function as an athiest in a Monastary. I also found the disavowal of the True Presence distasteful. I refuse to believe that any Church Council would or could deny the heart of our faith and be able to retain credibility.

It was a bad movie, poorly made that had a chance to be really good and just threw away that chance. I had high hopes through the first 15 or 20 minutes when they were recounting the sense of loss to the people and monks. Then they just fell back on some formula that didn’t fit the narrative.
What do you think? Or anyone who really knows about Vatician II? I meant to ask our priest this after the movie as he is the one who showed to us.
I studied my way into the Church. One of the first things I did, after reading the CCC was to read the documents of Vatican II. I’ll say this. You need to read them more than once, at least Gaudium et Spes and Lumen Gentium.

I have yet to meet personally anyone else, besides our Bishop, who claims to have read the documents. I have them on my hard-drive in Word format. (Just went to Vatican website, selected, right-clicked copy and then pasted into Word.) I think the line at the beginning of Lumen Gentium is critical if you have little confidence in the Council.

"Since the Church is in Christ like a sacrament or as a sign and instrument both of a very closely knit union with God and of the unity of the whole human race, it desires now to unfold more fully to the faithful of the Church and to the whole world its own inner nature and universal mission. This it intends to do following faithfully the teaching of previous councils".

VII did not deny the Real Presence.

I don’t pretend to know everything about the Council, but that much I do know.
"Since the Church is in Christ like a sacrament or as a sign and instrument both of a very closely knit union with God and of the unity of the whole human race, it desires now to unfold more fully to the faithful of the Church and to the whole world its own inner nature and universal mission. This it intends to do following faithfully the teaching of previous councils".

VII did not deny the Real Presence.

I don’t pretend to know everything about the Council, but that much I do know.
I don’t think anyone thought they did. If you haven’t yet, go up and read the description of the movie. It was made in the late 70s with the story set in 1999. Vatican IV is the fictional council that denied the Real Presence.
I don’t think anyone thought they did. If you haven’t yet, go up and read the description of the movie. It was made in the late 70s with the story set in 1999. Vatican IV is the fictional council that denied the Real Presence.
Point taken. I saw that description. Actually I was just responding to anamchara’s question.

My apologies of I came on a bit strong. It’s just that the VII docs are so available, like pretty much anything that the Popes have ever written. Perhaps I’m just a study-hound, but I so often hear questions or speculation about VII that comes from never having looked at the Council. Some of it is a bit heavy going yes, but if we don’t look at it for ourselves we can easily fall victim to those who are bent on spreading that “spirit of Vatican II” nonsense and then everyone gets bent out of shape when its so easy to point out the truth.

End of rant. I’ll be OK. Just a little pet peeve there.
Point taken. I saw that description. Actually I was just responding to anamchara’s question.

My apologies of I came on a bit strong. It’s just that the VII docs are so available, like pretty much anything that the Popes have ever written. Perhaps I’m just a study-hound, but I so often hear questions or speculation about VII that comes from never having looked at the Council. Some of it is a bit heavy going yes, but if we don’t look at it for ourselves we can easily fall victim to those who are bent on spreading that “spirit of Vatican II” nonsense and then everyone gets bent out of shape when its so easy to point out the truth.

End of rant. I’ll be OK. Just a little pet peeve there.
uther, I am totally guilty of not being knowledgeable in this area. It was a very stupid question. I was confused about the movie until strummer (my dh) came in and explained things, duh. Sorry for the confusion and thank you for trying to answer my question 🙂

Perhaps it’s time for me to learn a bit more about Vac-II. I have avoided in the past because it sounds like it’s endless documents that are fairly heady, am I right?
uther, I am totally guilty of not being knowledgeable in this area. It was a very stupid question. I was confused about the movie until strummer (my dh) came in and explained things, duh. Sorry for the confusion and thank you for trying to answer my question 🙂

Perhaps it’s time for me to learn a bit more about Vac-II. I have avoided in the past because it sounds like it’s endless documents that are fairly heady, am I right?
Well, I apologize if I sounded over-critical. For someone who is not into studying and reading the way I am, they can be heavy going, boring even, I suppose.
The two longest ones and perhaps the most over mis-used are the two I mentioned, Gaudium et Spes(Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World) and Lumen Gentium(Dogmatic Constitution on the Church) as well as Sacrosanctum Concilium(Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.)

Some of what was written on certain subjects was a bit vague and it fell to Paul VI and John Paul II to define and explain the Council.

In my opinion, which I derive from my own reading of many theologians, and of course John Paul II and Benedict XVI, the Council has yet to be truly implemented. Part of the reason for that is that many priests for a start, even after forty years, have not taken the time to read the documents. It cannot be expected that all of the lay people are going to read them. Of course not. We all have our own particular talents and abilities and for many, studying Church documents is not one of them. That is as it should be. God has ordained that not every member of the Body of Christ is the same with the same charisms. Praise God for that.
But you would think that the clergy, who had to pass through seminary, a place of study, and teachers, who likewise study their way into their vocation, would have the time in forty years to read sixteen documents of an Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church.

The reason that so much of the agenda of those who wanted to undermine orthodoxy in the Church was actually put into practice in various places was that the people in charge, who could have put the brakes on early in any given diocese or parish, either had the same agenda or didn’t know that what was promoted was not taught by the Council at all. A lot of error and novelty has been blamed on the Second Vatican Council when it was simply opportunists taking advantage of trusting people who didn’t know, and didn’t realize that they could know for themselves.

That is one of the great things about CA and these forums. Information is getting to the average Catholic, and I think some of them are getting a little upset that what they took for Vatican II changes, in the liturgy especially, were nothing of the sort. They were someone’s private agenda all along.

So I’m not blaming you anamchara. Your priest should be aware of these distinctions. To be honest, it is not useful to blame anyone really, other than to alert Catholics to check out what’s happening for themselves and this is a good place to do that, thanks to Karl and Jimmy Akin, Jerry Usher, et. al.
Certainly, there is a legitimate ongoing debate about the extent of the use of the vernacular as opposed to the Latin, and I think that our current Pope has a lot of sympathy for the traditional approach to the mass. I hope he will bring us all back in that direction, with a Latin ad orientum mass and altar rails once more. I truly do. It is not out of the realm of possibility.
Well, I apologize if I sounded over-critical. For someone who is not into studying and reading the way I am, they can be heavy going, boring even, I suppose.

No need for apologizies my friend, thank you so much for taking the time to write all that up. 🙂 Our priest is very aware, it was me who didn’t realize the movie was a “fantasy future” where the Vatican pushed to have the faithful not believe in the Real Presence. :rolleyes: I remember thinking where in the heck did they that get that?? Was there some kind of misunderstanding at the time of Vac-II? I knew this was ridiculous. That was why I had originally asked the question.

It does appear however, that there is a great deal of misunderstanding and hopefully this will be worked out.

🙂 clear out your stored messages. I am not able to send you a pm!!!
It does appear however, that there is a great deal of misunderstanding and hopefully this will be worked out.
I guess I have what might be called the “convert’s disease”, an abundance of enthusiasm for the faith combined with a lack of the patience that it takes to put myself in someone else’s shoes, particularly those who have been in the Church all their lives. They have insights that I don’t have. So I sound off sometimes when it’s totally unnecessary.

Like the little boy who prayed for patience, “… and I need it right now, Lord!”

I am certainly glad you have patience anamchara and good humour.
I guess I have what might be called the “convert’s disease”, an abundance of enthusiasm for the faith combined with a lack of the patience that it takes to put myself in someone else’s shoes, particularly those who have been in the Church all their lives. They have insights that I don’t have. So I sound off sometimes when it’s totally unnecessary.

Like the little boy who prayed for patience, “… and I need it right now, Lord!”

I am certainly glad you have patience anamchara and good humour.
🙂 I am a convert as well uther. There is nothing wrong with your enthusiasm, I should have as much as you do. I feel bad that I don’t seem to know as much as the converts I meet on here. :rolleyes: I’ve never noticed you “sounding off” you are always charitable 🙂
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