Confused and scared on certain part of Catholic Eschatology

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So I believe yesterday Israel signed a peace treaty deal with the UAE and some others I forgot who, but basically I remember reading/watching somewhere that the Antichrist would make peace in the Middle East and sign a 7 year Peace treaty which at the same time starts the 7 year tribulation period. So obviously yesterday they signed a historic new deal and I’ve been wondering if that means in 3 years and 6 months the Antichrist will indeed appear. (Because he breaks peace treaty halfway of treaty) and it’s been causing me an abundance of anxiety and fear and I know God told us not to worry because he already won but I’m still scared. So I guess my questions are is this supposed peace deal and being broken by the Antichrist an actual part of the Catholic End time scenario or is it not part of our belief? And if it is then is the peace deal the one in your opinion ?
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I have never heard this about a peace deal & anti Christ appearance. If it in fact is true, I would personally proceed by praying the rosary, making the Five First Saturday’s to the extent possible, and making acts of trust in God when my anxiety began to rise. Someday the world will end. My personal preference would be to not live during that time. But if this is it - so be it. We can do nothing beyond praying to change things. This said, I do believe prayer can change history, particularly the rosary. Let’s pray it & then trust! We will have done all we can. After this nothing remains but to try to “wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
It sounds like the eschatology you’re referring to is something similar to Dispensationalism. The problem with this interpretation is that it takes certain passages found in Daniel, Matthew 24, the book of Revelation and others, and interprets them in a way that suggests they have yet to be fulfilled.

In actuality, there is no third Temple that needs to be built and the nation of Israel today, as well as that region, has no eschatological impact in Scripture. At least not in terms of fulfilling any future prophecies with regards to the Second coming of Jesus.

Much of what is spoken about in reference to Israel, has already occurred. The destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in AD 70, fulfilled most of these prophecies. As the primary intent of these prophecies was not to warn some future generation about the end of the world, but about the end of the Old covenant and the ushering in of the new Kingdom which would replace it, which is the Church.
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Ok so I’m confused so this Peace treaty that has just been signed is not Catholic belief that it will be broken in the midst of it by the Antichrist correct?
No, it is not a “Catholic belief.” You are doing yourself harm spiritually by scaring yourself with weird stuff. Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow, so you are not doing what He says.
Get right with God, confession, daily Rosary, Mass. Pray.
How do u know I’m sorry I’m not trying to be rude it’s just I want to know for sure
The same people who believe in the 7year tribulation period believe it begins after the Rapture.

Did the Rapture happen?

Then…no worries ‼️

(Seriously, though, the Rapture is a theological concept that developed in the 1800s, or maybe 1700s, by some Protestant Bible commentators, but in either case is quite new and has no bearing on Catholic belief)
How do u know
Well, for one, I’ve read Church teaching. And you won’t find this nonsense in any of Catholic teaching. Moreover, Catholics should not go chasing around after so called prophecies of specific events. That isn’t productive, Christ says we will not know the day or the hour. Do you see Pope Francis spending time on this nonsense? NO.

All of this prophecy connecting peace in the Middle East, the Antichrist, etc, comes out of Protestant whackadoodle circles.

There are NO Catholic teachings on this. You want to go look for some, wear yourself out.
Don’t believe in some protestant nonsense. It could just be a normal peace treaty. Keep in mind that no one knows the day nor time when Our Lord will come. We could go and have another 5,000 years if God wills it. Don’t overthink. Even the first generation of Christians thought Our Lord was going to return during their time.
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No one knows the day and the time when Christ will come again.

While we are waiting, spend your time feeding the hungry, visiting those sick or in prison, and clothing those who cannot afford clothing. Then you will learn how to recognize Christ when he comes, and what the signs of the times really mean.
In addition to 1ke being correct that whatever you read is baloney, this is hardly the first, nor will it be the last, peace treaty ever signed in the Middle East. Peace treaties are how countries get along and they are made and unmade all the time. They are not some weird harbinger of prophecy except in the minds of people who are either mentally unbalanced, confused, or spreading lies to get attention or money for themselves.
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So I believe yesterday Israel signed a peace treaty deal with the UAE and some others I forgot who, but basically I remember reading/watching somewhere that the Antichrist would make peace in the Middle East and sign a 7 year Peace treaty which at the same time starts the 7 year tribulation period. So obviously yesterday they signed a historic new deal and I’ve been wondering if that means in 3 years and 6 months the Antichrist will indeed appear.
As @Crusader13 pointed out, that’s a belief that Dispensationalist Protestants hold. They base it on their (inaccurate) interpretation of the Bible (in particular, the Book of Revelation).

No worries. Jesus told us that no one will know the day or the hour. You’re good. 👍
The UAE is a relatively minor country. Their peace overture to Israel is important to those two countries, who desperately need a breathing space in their foreign relations, and secondarily to President Trump’s reëlection.

But it is in no way the pact with a worldwide “beast” that would bring about the end times, even if that were Catholic teaching, which it is not.

Just BREATHE! Even if the ‘end times’ began tomorrow, the worst that might happen is you would die. News flash – that’s coming anyway!

I’d suggest the books

The Rapture Trap

What Jesus Really Said About The End Of The World

Rapture: The End Times Error that Leaves The Bible Behind

Because you have stumbled on very modern evangelical Protestant myths.

There have been treaties and pacts between Israel and various other Middle Eastern countries since there was a nation of Israel in the early 20th century.
Do not be confused and scared about the end times. Jesus said, “But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.” (Luke 21:28)

With faith, hope, and love, may you and we all be prepared.
I don’t think anyone can claim peace in the Middle East. I also think it’s best to not worry about something that you can’t say exactly who said it and what was said. I also think your chances of dying before a supposed reign of the antichrist are significantly higher than Mideast peace. I’m concerned that when steps are taken with a peace treaty that your reaction is not one of joy of the potential saving of lives, but rather fear. We should be praying for treaties like this and working to make them last.
Ok thx for ur answer but just to confirm the whole deal with this peace treaty being a harbinger of the Antichrist and End times is not our belief correct?
Ok thx for ur answer but just to confirm the whole deal with this peace treaty being a harbinger of the Antichrist and End times is not our belief correct?
Muzhik’s entire “my personal beliefs” post is just that, his personal beliefs. It is not doctrine of the Church.

My personal belief is that it is imprudent for someone to come into a thread where an OP is seeking to clarify Church teaching and avoid feeling fear over non-Church teaching on eschatology, and post a lot of personal opinion eschatology. This forum isn’t about someone’s personal interpretation of the Bible, and all this type of post does is confuse and scare the OP.
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Ok thx for ur answer but just to confirm the whole deal with this peace treaty being a harbinger of the Antichrist and End times is not our belief correct?
HOW many times on ONE thread can we say NO this is NOT Catholic belief and yet you are again asking the same question.

If you are scrupulous or suffer from OCD, stop reading this garbage and get some guidance from your pastor instead of strangers on the internet.
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