Confused and scared on certain part of Catholic Eschatology

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Wait I’m scared and having anxiety now is he saying that this peace treaty is the harbinger of the Antichrist and the end times!? What’s the whole deal with what he’s saying about this war!? I’m having a panic attack
Dude, chill.
I’m not a dude.
I would suggest (not so subtly) that you go back to the very beginning of that thread and read the first 7 messages, which are designed to act as stickies.
I have no desire to participate in that thread.
you would do well to ponder how it is that so many people baptized and raised in the Catholic Church still do not know that Catholics believe that the host they receive not just contains, but IS the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, aka, The True Presence.
Completely irrelevant to THIS thread.
Wait I’m scared and having anxiety now is he saying that this peace treaty is the harbinger of the Antichrist and the end times!? What’s the whole deal with what he’s saying about this war!? I’m having a panic attack
No, no, no. This is NOT Catholic teaching. Not.

@camoderator, please close this thread before the OP is further scared by personal opinions when he asked for Catholic teaching.
Wait I’m scared and having anxiety now is he saying that this peace treaty is the harbinger of the Antichrist and the end times!?
No. It isn’t.
What’s the whole deal with what he’s saying about this war!?
Please get off the internet and speak to your pastor.
I’m having a panic attack
Then cease going to these crazy conspiracy sites, stop posting about the end times on the internet, and get some help from your priest in real life.
I note that since the OP joined, they have started two topics both expressing anxiety and wanting to discuss end times “prophecies”.

I further note that we have very recently had a whole string of previously banned accounts, probably 6 or 8 of them, from a poster making much the same topics.

I have flagged the thread and asked moderator to take appropriate action.

OP: As 1ke said, you seem to have ongoing anxiety about end times topics. It is not healthy for you to be reading/ watching such materials online, nor repeatedly asking questions about end times on this forum. Please stop these unhealthy behaviors and if you’re still troubled seek in-person help from a priest and/or a mental health counselor.
Honestly, I wouldn’t even try to interpret events of today in light of eschatology. No disrespect meant to St. John, but who can make heads or tales out of the book of the Apocalypse?! Who can translate so much figurative language into certain fact?

I would advise you to take the words of Jesus to heart, “Don’t be anxious about tomorrow, tomorrow has its own worries. Sufficient to the day is its own trouble.” Sometimes having curiosity about things like this is a distraction, and keeps us from engaging fully in our own lives.

I would focus on the most important eschatological teachings of the the Church
  1. Jesus is coming back, and nobody knows when
  2. There will be a final judgement at which God will will render to everyone according to their works, their acceptance of grace, and friendship with God.
  3. Focus on the bold parts of #2
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In the meantime I try to stay abreast on whatever is being taught in the Evangelical Protestant world about “the End Times” as well as stay up-to-date on Catholic arguments against those teachings.
Or, you know, don’t. That’s probably a better way to go.
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