JMJ / MMM 090528 Thursday
Hello Good Soldier09 –
Referring to some statements in the NAB translation of Scripture, “Remember the golden rule: keep historical facts distinct from their theological interpretations," you wrote that this “seems like totally unnecessary disrespect aimed at the evangelists. What are they trying to convey with this comment?”
No disrespect at all is meant. The NAB is telling us that, like the Church, Divine and human, so are the evangelists … inspired AND human (with all their smudge prints). To believe that the evangelists were inspired by God does not in any way lessen the different humanities of the different evangelists … their temperaments, characters, memories, imaginations, education, habits – all their fingerprints remain in the Bible.
You quoted the NAB as teaching, “Remember the golden rule: keep historical facts distinct from their theological interpretations." This roused a response from you, “What on earth? … that’s just a ridiculous thing to tell a believer. Why should we separate history from theology? That’s like saying we should separate the body from the soul.”
To separate history from theology is a very important rule in our ongoing efforts, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to arrive at a more and more properly focused understanding of Scripture. This and many other very important guides are given us by Pope Pius XII in his Encyclical
Divino Afflante Spiritu, 30 September 1943. The understandings which this encyclical gives are vital to properly understanding Scripture.
We must understand that the writers of Biblical times did not understand “history” as we do > very factual, dates right, number present, exact sequence, etc., etc. No. Those things were often of little importance to them. We “highly educated people” want FACTS, FACTS, FACTS – that’s what history means to us. They, the ancients, wanted MEANING, MEANING, MEANING … often not attempting to get FACTUALLY precise. To make clearer this very point (next paragraph)……
I copy here from an official footnote concerning
DEI VERBUM, Chapter 3, Section 11, from Second Vatican Council >>>
“St Thomas is quoted, ‘Any knowledge which is profitable to salvation may be the object of prophetic inspiration. But things which cannot affect our salvation do not belong to inspiration.’ St Thomas Aquinas,
De Veritate, Q.12, A.2, Corpus. Hence, Augustine says that although the sacred writers might have known astronomy, nevertheless the Holy Spirit did not intend to utter through them any truth apart from that which is profitable to salvation. He adds that this may concern either teachings to be believed or morals to be practiced. The Bible was not written in order to teach the natural sciences, nor to give information on merely political history. It treats of these (and all other subjects) only insofar as they are involved in matters concerning salvation. It is only in this respect that the veracity of God and the inerrancy of the inspired writers are engaged.” (End official footnote
DEI VERBUM, Vatican Council II)
Why are we afraid – yes, terrified – to grow and learn? Because our SECURITY is being threatened, our locked in comfort zone is being threatened. Threatened by what? by whom? BY GOD AND THE HOLY SPIRIT – THAT’S WHOM! Some of us want all growth and maturing to be frozen in cement and never grow. This means stagnation and ultimate death.
Separate history from theology? It is essential to do so. Sometimes history will coincide with theology. Oftentimes it was never meant either by the prophets or evangelists or by the Holy Spirit to coincide.
John (JohnJFarren)