Congressional Democrat Sob-Fest

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In the last election, the Democratic Party lost the Presidency and failed to get a majority in the Congress and the state legislatures. In addition, an incumbent Republican President increased his popularity among women, Latinos, African-Americans, Jews and Catholics. These facts should send a message to the Democratic Party that maybe it’s time to change tactics. Instead, the Democratic leadership remains beholden to the same divisive groups and beliefs that have lead them toward oblivion. During the usually ceremonial counting of electoral college votes yesterday by the Vice President and Congress, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH) filed a formal protest of the election results. This spurred a two hour debate that turned into a 120 minute attack by Democrats on Republican policies and officials.

Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), who dedicated her objection to controversial filmmaker Michael Moore, castigated Kenneth Blackwell, Ohio’s Secretary of State, saying she was ashamed he was an African-American. The cause for her shame? Secretary Blackwell refused to allow voting irregularities and instead followed the rule of law. Democrats need to realize it wasn’t faulty voting machines or “vast right-wing conspiracies” that cost them this election. It was faulty policies and flaky ideology. Perhaps Democratic politicians should spend less time inventing excuses and maligning good people and more time actually focusing on why their issues and candidates are being rejected.

– Mark L. Chance.
Mark, I am quickly coming to the opinion that you and I share the same brain. Excellent post!
In the last election, the Democratic Party lost the Presidency and failed to get a majority in the Congress and the state legislatures. In addition, an incumbent Republican President increased his popularity among women, Latinos, African-Americans, Jews and Catholics. These facts should send a message to the Democratic Party that maybe it’s time to change tactics. Instead, the Democratic leadership remains beholden to the same divisive groups and beliefs that have lead them toward oblivion. During the usually ceremonial counting of electoral college votes yesterday by the Vice President and Congress, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH) filed a formal protest of the election results. This spurred a two hour debate that turned into a 120 minute attack by Democrats on Republican policies and officials.

Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), who dedicated her objection to controversial filmmaker Michael Moore, castigated Kenneth Blackwell, Ohio’s Secretary of State, saying she was ashamed he was an African-American. The cause for her shame? Secretary Blackwell refused to allow voting irregularities and instead followed the rule of law. Democrats need to realize it wasn’t faulty voting machines or “vast right-wing conspiracies” that cost them this election. It was faulty policies and flaky ideology. Perhaps Democratic politicians should spend less time inventing excuses and maligning good people and more time actually focusing on why their issues and candidates are being rejected.

– Mark L. Chance.
Mark, I am quickly coming to the opinion that you and I share the same brain. Excellent post!
That must be why, when I talk to myself, the answers aren’t in my voice. Hmmm…

– Mark L. Chance.
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