Congressman leaves Republican party over Trump's actions

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“Oh my God,” Mitchell tweeted last month, “@realDonaldTrump Please for the sake of our Nation please drop these arguments without evidence or factual basis. #stopthestupid.”

I wonder if he was praying or taking the Lord’s name in vain? Terrible choice of words. Unfortunately becoming the norm for all…
Spare me. Quitting the party because of the acts of a lame duck president? Really? :roll_eyes:

The article hints that he didn’t think the Republican leadership was doing enough to stand up to Trump. So that’s the real reason. But even this is lame. If you want to affect change, don’t quit! Stay in, fight the fight, force them to kick you out. This is like those Catholic who quit the Church because they don’t like what Papa Francis says. Grow a pair, step up, and make changes!
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