Accepting the authority of Christ is parroting? Or blind?But neither is a well-formed conscience merely a parroting of the Church’s teachings. That may seem “safer” because the person has an excuse for what he or she believes, but a truly well-formed conscience goes beyond parrotting and truly embraces the belief that it has divined what God believes to be good and moral. Certainly where we are not certain our consciences are well-formed, we should trust in authority (which is one of Cardinal Pell’s main points) but we should not give up on forming a conscience and try to graft on the Church’s, either.
That is like saying one can reject Christ and still be correct? One can be sincere, but still objectively wrong.It is possible to have a well-formed conscience that is at odds with the Church.
Obey, unless as a Catholic one rejects the authority of Christ.If it were not, then all the Church’s teachings would have to be infallible, which they are not. If your conscience is truly at odds with the Church you should study and pray (as Cardinel Pell says in his article.) But until and unless your conscience comes in line with the Church, what are you to do?
Often you can steer a safe course that avoids offending the Church or you conscience. If you cannot, the Church’s teaching is clear - you should follow your conscience. Doing so may present a grave danger, but deliberately doing something you think goes against God is worse, isn’t it? That is what Aquinas taught, and that is what Newman taught.
A final passage, also frequently cited, is Cardinal Newman’s famous declaration at the end of his Letter to the Duke of Norfolk: “Certainly, if I am obliged to bring religion into after-dinner toasts (which indeed does not seem quite the thing) I shall drink – to the Pope, if you please – still, to Conscience first, and to the Pope afterwards”. Newman was concerned about the Ultramontane claims of extreme infallibilists, facetiously explaining that if the Pope told the English bishops to order their priests to work for teetotalism or to hold a lottery in each mission, they would not be obliged to do so. Here he is addressing a situation in which Popes issue orders – not moral teaching – that exceed their authority. Newman would of course believe that confronted with Church teaching, we all have the obligation to form and inform our consciences by that. But there is no doubt also that his understanding of conscience is very specifically Christocentric and God-centred, within the Catholic tradition.