You read this quote and believe this means only bishops and priests are supposed to accept Magisterial teachings? Come on, you know better than that. This statement applies to **all **Catholics, to you and me.
**I simply applied the same rules you applied to my offerings. the second argument is even more compelling I believe. I guess the CCC wasn’t aware that LG was to be used thusly. **
That is not the same as “TO THE HIERARCHY.”
If the Church really did teach “primacy” or “freedom” of conscience, (which it doesn’t), that would directly contradict this statement from Lumen Gentium.
**Look, I know what you believe. I find it impossible given what I’ve read and submitted to agree with you. It’s so obviously wrong in my opinion. What more is there to say? **
We Catholics really are supposed to accept all the Magisterial teachings according to LG25. No Catholic can dismiss any teaching with the excuse “primacy of conscience.” That is my point.
**I understand, its just that, well this seems to be a minority opinion you have within the Church. In fact, I’ve read elsewhere that it is a position noted for here on this forum particularly. It is not the opinion as I have been told by most Catholics, insofar as they have thought about it. I admit, I was so personally shocked that anyone would claim this that I went not only to my parish priest, but went online to our diocese where they have a Q and A, and got the same answer. I surely was strongly warned that indeed, this is not some kind of do what you think best, but a very serious and long process, and not to undertaken lightly or frivously. Bottom line, I’m still correct in the end. Now of course you may believe what you desire to based on what you see the material saying. **