I am amazed at your statements this has been the traditional standing of the Catholic Church
To my knowledge, the Catholic Church has never taught that man did not evolve from animals. This is **not **“the traditional standing”.
You sound like a person who has accepted everything science teaches which is dealing not with the spiritual,.but with the material
Why should one not believe that which has been proved to be true scientifically? Many great scientists were Catholics. I see no conflict at all between religion and science.
The church has always taught that the human soul is spiritual in nature,infused and directly created by God.
I didn’t disagree with this at all.
The intellective and volitional soul is the principle of immanent activity in a human being. and not in an animal.
As I mentioned in another post, an animal does possess an intellect. No, an animal does not have a free will. I’m not too familiar with immanence, so I can’t say whether your entire statement is totally true.
How long have you been on this forum? I’m sure I am not the only one who has made these statements.
I don’t really know what difference that would make.

Are you saying because *x *number of people believe a thing, the thing must be true?
You are a Catholic aren’t you.
You are correct.
I can not answer some of your questions at this time, but I will gladly oblige when I’ m feeling better, and go to Mass DNA evidence is material evidence and not spiritual, and you can’t prove a spiritual entity directly by physical evidence, but you can detect spiritual presents by the effects that take place in the material world. You can not put spirit under a microscope, but you can know it by a spiritual faculty called “human intelligence” which is a spiritual faculty. I know you have a degree in biology and this may be causing you some real problems.
I’m sorry that you are not feeling well.
No, my degree is **not **causing me problems at all. I am proud of it, and the work I did to get it. If anything, I have a greater sensitivity to, and appreciation of, God’s creation. I agree that you “can’t prove a spiritual entity directly by physical evidence”, but you are denying the opposite: that you can’t explain a material phenomenon, e.g., human evolution, using spiritual reasoning. You want to use only a spiritual yardstick to measure the length and breadth of animal intelligence and consciousness, whose substrates are anatomical, physiological, chemical, etc. You could do try to do it, but any answer you got would be incomplete, at best; or wrong, at worst.
Materialistic impiricalism has a profound effect on man’s thinking, and very misleading in some cases especially when it comes to spiritual reality.
I assume you mean empiricism. No, all knowledge cannot be gleaned from sensory experience; however, all knowledge of the *material *world can only be gotten through *sensory *experience.
It’s amazing that scientists are still looking for the source of life through a microscope, and an osciloscope, not seeing the trees for the forest. They don’t even recognize the use of their own spiritual faculty, the mind because they can’t separate the spiritual from the material, because they don’t recognize what they don’t understand, and I mean what they don’t understand. which is a spiritual function with it accompanning extrinsic dependence on the physical because of our union of body and soul.
When you say “source of life” do you mean the origin of life on earth? Assuming that you are, a scientist cannot just say “God started life on earth” and then go on her merry way. A scientist’s job is to ask “How did God start life on earth?” “What did He use to start it?” These are the questions that science tries to answer. Now, it has been years since I was in college, but even then, we knew that in the primordial world, different chemicals such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide came together in the earth’s “soup”. Being exposed to energy sources like lightening caused the chemicals to combine to form new molecules like amino acids. Experiments have been done wherein researchers simulate the atmosphere of earth before life to see whether the rudiments of organic chemicals could form from just such conditions. The most famous study like this was the Miller-Urey experiments of 1953. The scientists were successful in forming amino acids in the proverbial “test tube”. After Miller’s death, the experiment samples were re-examined only to find that Miller had created many more amino acids than he had thought. Now that’s amazing!!!

My point is this: when you ask a question about the *material *world, you must study the *material *world with *material *means.
I am still amazed at you position!
I’ll take that as a compliment.