A group of people coming together for a common religious purpose is known as a private association of Christ’s faithful without the intention of becoming an institute of religious life. That is what my main organization and CAMM both are.
The CCMM, which is Vincentian, is a private association of Christ’s faithful with the intention of becoming a society of apostolic life with contemplative branch. When we find out what works for us, we will present everything to a bishop, and he will issue us a letter, outlining that which we have given him. Then we will be known as a Private Association of Christ’s Faithful with the Intention of Becoming a Society of Apostolic Life Suri Juris.
After that will be Public Association, once we have grown on a local basis.
Diocesan Right recognition will come after about ten years. Pontifical Right comes after 25.
The main purpose of the letter is to assuage the fears of the laity. The faithful have a right to assemble. Canon law also says that if you see a situation demanding justice, and you have to associate to address the issue, just do it.
There are at least three other present-day married founders, one of whom wears a habit. One of the founders on our main founders’ group is a single parent. He had to adopt his neice and nephew after a family emergency. He is currently living the “Vigilists of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.” Another founder, though single, has a married co-founder. His charism is the Society of Our Lady’s Crucified Martyrs. They will be a secular institute.
Canon law also says that every person is a charism – a gift to the world. There are some folks who have developed Personal Prayer Rules, adapted a habit, and have a letter from their bishop, recognizing them as lay contemplatives.
I am very much involved with the formation. Hubby’s in a terrible situation at work. His health is suffering, and I am praying very hard to St. Joseph that whatever needs to be done will get done, and hubby will be given the focus and insight to carry through properly. He always suffers during the winter when there is a lack of sun and daylight for exercise. In addition to our son’s passing, he’s also dealing with a stubborn 97 year-old mother. He’s had horrific overtime and travel demands for the past year. While I dread becoming a widow, I need to be involved in this community’s development because that is what I will be doing in the event of hubby’s passing.