Conservatives take a stand at University at Buffalo

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Conservatives take a stand at UB

Students here and nationally speaking out against the liberal tradition on campuses

Republican students at the University at Buffalo recently roasted a pig for an “animal rights” barbecue, held “coming out day” for conservatives and distributed Canadian citizenship applications to liberals still bitter about the presidential election. It was “Conservative Week,” and the message wasn’t subtle.
 "We've got to make our voice  heard on campus," said Duncan  Stanley, a junior and treasurer of  the UB Republicans.
Once as popular on university campuses as ants at a Sunday picnic, conservatives today are fighting to win the hearts and minds of college students.

Conservative students at the University at Buffalo and across the country are holding provocative events and starting their own right-leaning newspapers.

Thanks for the article. It is high time campuses start padding the staff with conservative profs.

I attended a liberal state college and had to weather the storm for years until I saw the clouds part one day and a conservative sun beamed back at me.

Maybe the tides are turning. It does take many years to clear away the liberal agenda and the effects of liberal college indoctrination. Wouldn’t it be great to bypass all that and produce many young educated conservatives?
Maybe it’s a “backlash” thing with colleges, I don’t know. I attended Catholic grade and high schools, and the teachers were anything but “liberal”. I got into quite a few spirited classroom discussions (and a few trips to the principal’s and/or dean’s office) for being my own outspoken self.

Of course, this was quite a few years ago, when many teachers (at least mine) were nuns/brothers. I’ve heard that things have changed a bit, and that lay teachers now are in the majority.

buffalo said:
Conservatives take a stand at UB

Students here and nationally speaking out against the liberal tradition on campuses

Republican students at the University at Buffalo recently roasted a pig for an “animal rights” barbecue, held “coming out day” for conservatives and distributed Canadian citizenship applications to liberals still bitter about the presidential election. It was “Conservative Week,” and the message wasn’t subtle.

“We’ve got to make our voice heard on campus,” said Duncan Stanley, a junior and treasurer of the UB Republicans.

Once as popular on university campuses as ants at a Sunday picnic, conservatives today are fighting to win the hearts and minds of college students.

Conservative students at the University at Buffalo and across the country are holding provocative events and starting their own right-leaning newspapers.


oh my gosh… I find this highly offensive!

I am a vegetarian, I am in support of gays (supportive of loving them and ministering to them, not of "marrying them however!), and while I wouldn’t consider myself bitter about Bush being in office, I certainly am not happy.

None of these things interfere with my faith nor do I need to be a conservative to be orthodox! It just really bothers me when people think it’s ok to bash liberals on this Catholic site but if someone mentions the fact they don’t like Bush they are handed a Canadian citizenship application.

I’m a proud American and I don’t need to be a conservative. Get over it folks! Supporting this behavior is just as bad as the in-your-face movements supported by overly-zealous liberals.
Wouldn’t it be great to bypass all that and produce many young educated conservatives?
I was one of those… what i was given at my conservative institution wasn’t enough to weather the storms of the real world once I got out. As someone who’s been there, done that, I don’t recommend it!
I was one of those… what i was given at my conservative institution wasn’t enough to weather the storms of the real world once I got out. As someone who’s been there, done that, I don’t recommend it!
Good for you.👍 I consider myself a conservative, but what passes for conservatism these days doesn’t merit that name. I find the in-your-face militarism especially troubling.

Nowadays, being an orthodox Catholic is conservative enough for me.
…and distributed Canadian citizenship applications to liberals still bitter about the presidential election.
And I hope the liberals turned around and handed the Bush supporters Army enlistment forms.
Hey…so long as the libs leave…I’m all for it. :rotfl:
And I hope the liberals turned around and handed the Bush supporters Army enlistment forms.
And I hope the liberals turned around and handed the Bush supporters Army enlistment forms.
I voted for President Bush and served in two wars. What have you done for your country?
buffalo said:
Conservatives take a stand at UB

Students here and nationally speaking out against the liberal tradition on campuses

Republican students at the University at Buffalo recently roasted a pig for an “animal rights” barbecue, held “coming out day” for conservatives and distributed Canadian citizenship applications to liberals still bitter about the presidential election. It was “Conservative Week,” and the message wasn’t subtle.
 "We've got to make our voice  heard on campus," said Duncan  Stanley, a junior and treasurer of  the UB Republicans.
Once as popular on university campuses as ants at a Sunday picnic, conservatives today are fighting to win the hearts and minds of college students.

Conservative students at the University at Buffalo and across the country are holding provocative events and starting their own right-leaning newspapers.


If the colleges can be taken back from the relativists, I really think we will start to see a big change in this society. It will not be perfect in anyway, but things will start to return back to some sort of balance that has been lacking for decades.
I voted for President Bush and served in two wars. What have you done for your country?
That’s two things you did for your country and one thing you did that didn’t serve your country. Two out of three isn’t bad.
I wonder if political professors are a reversion to the glory days of the 60s. I was in college in the late 70s and I do not recall a SINGLE professor ever making any kind of a political statement. I frankly did not have a clue of any of their political leanings and quite honestly, I didn’t pay for college to hear the rambling rants of ANY politically inclined prof. I was there to learn the subject (no not a poli sci major).

Subsequently I took some courses in nonprofit management and was exposed to Prof as Politico with professors yammering on about the Iraq war or President Bush or homosexual marriage. The courses were on grantwriting, management, and accounting within the non-profit sector so the politicking was IMO a waste of my time. I feel bad for young people if this is what they are forced to stomach in their classes.

Lisa N
That would make three things he did for his Country.
That’s two things you did for your country and one thing you did that didn’t serve your country. Two out of three isn’t bad.
That would make three things he did for his Country.
I assume that by the 3rd thing you mean voting, period. If it’s based on who he voted for, I’m with Rich on this one…

I voted for President Bush and served in two wars. What have you done for your country?
I’ve never missed voting on election day or a precinct caucus since I’ve been old enough to participate (in fact, I’ve been in charge of organizing the caucuses in my area). I have spent a great deal of time working on political campaigns over the years. I have served on volunteer commissions for the city government. I use mass transit whenever possible because I don’t like how dependent we are on oil. I pay my taxes without complaint. I belong to the ACLU because, unlike these students, I believe in the Constitution. And I oppose George Bush and his immoral war because it is bankrupting my country.

I think if these students, who want liberals to leave the country, really supported Bush and his war, they would enlist rather than being content to let others get killed or maimed for what they support. Of course, by not fighting, they are following the “fine” example set by so many in this administration who managed to evade service during Vietnam.
And I hope the liberals turned around and handed the Bush supporters Army enlistment forms.
No need for that. The vast majority of military personnel in the U.S. are already conservative, Republican, and support President Bush by a 3-to-1 majority.

Most libs put up some big talk regarding “free speech”, but you don’t see too many of 'em willing to fight for it.

In Manibus Dei,
  • mike
Most libs put up some big talk regarding “free speech”, but you don’t see too many of 'em willing to fight for it.
Our Army doesn’t fight for free speech, and hasn’t, to the best of my knowledge since the Revolutionary War. So, neither conservative or liberal needs fight for free speech that way.

But, liberals will support free speech and fight for it, as ever, in our courts to keep the First Amendment a constant reality.
But, liberals will support free speech and fight for it, as ever, in our courts to keep the First Amendment a constant reality.
Except when it comes to Ann Coulter???
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