I’m not a teacher, but I know quite a few of them. They all like to be around other people, they all enjoy talking, and they all don’t mind telling a kid to sit down, shut up, and pay attention. I don’t know where you live, but around here only the administration makes that much money. The actual teachers make half that even if they’ve been teaching for years. It is a small town with a very low cost of living, but if you compare their salaries to other jobs, they usually make less. One of my friends used to manage a bar before his teaching days. He always told his students that dealing with them was nothing compared to dealing with a bunch of drunks at closing time. If you become a teacher you’re going to have a ton of red tape to go through, a ton of papers to grade, many apathetic students that don’t want to be there, many disappointments because students aren’t doing their best, and general frustrations with dealing with kids on a daily basis. You will also have good things, but I think you already know the good things. Try being a sub in your school district and see how that works out. I think in my area you just have to have 50 college hours in anything and pass a background check to be a sub.
Kudos to you for hearing the call and responding to it.
Kudos to you for hearing the call and responding to it.