Most of these arguments against atheism in this thread sound to me like they boil down to “I don’t like how big, mean and scary the Universe is, and the idea that I am at the mercy of it, therefore I think it’s better if me and everyone around me agrees there is a God and this set of rules and abides by them, otherwise, it’s all too awful to think about,”
Well, yeah, there are lots of big scary and even awful things in the Universe, as far as a mortal and finite being of a human is concerned. Yup. There it is. There are also a lot of awesome things, beautiful things, amazing things. Yup, there it is.
Good/bad, moral/immoral are tools humans came up with to order complex societies.
We apply them however we see fit. Sad but true that often they get applied in ways that decimate huge numbers of others. But yup, there it is.
There is not group that has not been treated horribly and treated another group horribly at some time or another and felt totally justified and moral for doing it. Not a pretty part of reality, but reality just the same.
Shark rape? Really? Does the Catholic Church now dictate the morality of fish behavior?
Why should humans care if another human is raped since sharks do it? Are you seriously positing that as some proof of God?
If shark rape is bad, and there is a God, either sharks have free will and are choosing against God and his morality, or sharks don’t have free will but God made them to behave immorally…do we want to go down THAT road…or I guess we can say, poor sharks ate algae in perfect harmony until original sin came along and now they are savage beasts killing and raping one another.
God or no God, the idea that humans, who are in so many ways NOT sharks, should base their idea of morality on the behavior of sharks is pretty ridiculous.
The idea that we are just bags of meat. Well, yeah, to many, probably most living things on earth we are. The only good we do them is as potential food or host for a parasite. However to other humans we have potential as other things as well, so some humans will love and protect us, some will tolerate us because we may do them some indirect good, some will tolerate us because they fear that if they try to hurt us, the people trying to protect us, will hurt them, and some will try to off us because they want our resources.
Yup, that’s reality, apparently God or no God, that’s reality.
And us calling it moral, or immoral or good or bad, doesn’t change any of it. Not a single itty bit of it. We use those concepts to order, or disorder our behavior to suit ourselves.
And into that falls altruism as well as acts of horrendous cruelty.
Sharks don’t have a concept of morality, they don’t live in complex societies and their brains aren’t capable of that level of order. if you cut a shark open it will eat it’s own guts, it doesn’t recognize them as important to itself. It doesn’t recognize them AS itself.
Either there is a God who created them, or there isn’t. I can’t see how shark behavior is a good argument for either side.
I think a lot of the arguments here against atheism have nothing to do with the reality of what atheists believe or how they experience the Universe. They are based on assumptions, imaginations and the particular sensibilities and fears of the people positing the arguments.
In order to form any sort of reasonable argument against atheism one would have to actually talk to atheists and get a real grasp on their understanding and experience.
I think it would also be helpful to have a decent grasp on various definitions and understandings of God, beyond one’s own.
The automatic assumption that if there is a God then it must be all good, and “good” meaning the same thing that humans consider “good” is actually a very narrow and not very common idea of God.
Most humans, upon living in this world, never got the sense that whatever was running things was all good, all loving, and had human interest as it’s main concern.
That may not be a warm and fuzzy feeling, but there are few things in the Universe that lead one to believe in a warm and fuzzy anything.
Well, yeah, there are lots of big scary and even awful things in the Universe, as far as a mortal and finite being of a human is concerned. Yup. There it is. There are also a lot of awesome things, beautiful things, amazing things. Yup, there it is.
Good/bad, moral/immoral are tools humans came up with to order complex societies.
We apply them however we see fit. Sad but true that often they get applied in ways that decimate huge numbers of others. But yup, there it is.
There is not group that has not been treated horribly and treated another group horribly at some time or another and felt totally justified and moral for doing it. Not a pretty part of reality, but reality just the same.
Shark rape? Really? Does the Catholic Church now dictate the morality of fish behavior?
Why should humans care if another human is raped since sharks do it? Are you seriously positing that as some proof of God?
If shark rape is bad, and there is a God, either sharks have free will and are choosing against God and his morality, or sharks don’t have free will but God made them to behave immorally…do we want to go down THAT road…or I guess we can say, poor sharks ate algae in perfect harmony until original sin came along and now they are savage beasts killing and raping one another.
God or no God, the idea that humans, who are in so many ways NOT sharks, should base their idea of morality on the behavior of sharks is pretty ridiculous.
The idea that we are just bags of meat. Well, yeah, to many, probably most living things on earth we are. The only good we do them is as potential food or host for a parasite. However to other humans we have potential as other things as well, so some humans will love and protect us, some will tolerate us because we may do them some indirect good, some will tolerate us because they fear that if they try to hurt us, the people trying to protect us, will hurt them, and some will try to off us because they want our resources.
Yup, that’s reality, apparently God or no God, that’s reality.
And us calling it moral, or immoral or good or bad, doesn’t change any of it. Not a single itty bit of it. We use those concepts to order, or disorder our behavior to suit ourselves.
And into that falls altruism as well as acts of horrendous cruelty.
Sharks don’t have a concept of morality, they don’t live in complex societies and their brains aren’t capable of that level of order. if you cut a shark open it will eat it’s own guts, it doesn’t recognize them as important to itself. It doesn’t recognize them AS itself.
Either there is a God who created them, or there isn’t. I can’t see how shark behavior is a good argument for either side.
I think a lot of the arguments here against atheism have nothing to do with the reality of what atheists believe or how they experience the Universe. They are based on assumptions, imaginations and the particular sensibilities and fears of the people positing the arguments.
In order to form any sort of reasonable argument against atheism one would have to actually talk to atheists and get a real grasp on their understanding and experience.
I think it would also be helpful to have a decent grasp on various definitions and understandings of God, beyond one’s own.
The automatic assumption that if there is a God then it must be all good, and “good” meaning the same thing that humans consider “good” is actually a very narrow and not very common idea of God.
Most humans, upon living in this world, never got the sense that whatever was running things was all good, all loving, and had human interest as it’s main concern.
That may not be a warm and fuzzy feeling, but there are few things in the Universe that lead one to believe in a warm and fuzzy anything.