Consumer Reports Advocates for Abortion

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I find it a very sad day in America when a consumer advocate magazine like Consumer Reports becomes a supporter for the killing of unborn children and the inhumanity of Planned Parenthood.

I am glad that we stopped our subscription years ago. I’ll never renew it or consult it again.

According to Consumer Reports unborn children are the ‘contents of the uterus.’

There can be no peace in the world while this war upon the unborn rages. I am very sad today.
I notice I posted this thread twice. That was an accident for which I do not know the remedy. I appologize.:o

January is the anniversary of Roe V. Wade. Please join those in your states and communities that protest that decision. We need to have large numbers to make a statement in support for the babies that have been lost and that may be lost in the future unless we come to our senses!

In Oregon, there will be a rally on the 16th in the Capitol, Salem Oregon. Archbishop Vlazny and Bishop Steiner will be there. This is a request for all Oregon Catholics and other Christians to join him and the other ministers of Christ. Please come, march with us, listen to the speakers, be a voice for the unborn.🙂

Pray with us. :blessyou:
Do you have any info on this? I just recently saw a report from them stating that PP gave out poor rated condoms. Which is not much of a shock.
The February issue is all about condoms (rating them) and goes into what to do when they fail. RU46 and Surgical abortions, Planned Parenthood, etc. They actually use mortality rates that make it look like abortion is the safest alternative, safer than carring a baby to term. They make no mention of any abortion related health issues nor mention the adoptive alternative.

A full news article is posted on “

We need to pray and let the world see our numbers at Pro Life events!
Food for thought…

Somewhere at sometime
They committed themselves to me
And so, I was!
Tiny in shape
Lusting to live
I hung in my pulsating cave,
Soon they knew of me
My mother and father.
I had no saying in my being
I lived on trust
And love
Tho’ I couldn’t think
Each part of me was saying
A silent “Wait for me,
I will bring you LOVE”
I was taken
Blind, naked, defenceless
By the hand of one
Whose good name
Was graven on a brass plate
In Wimpole Street,
And dropped on the sterile floor
Of a foot operated plastic waste bucket.
There was no Queens Council
To take my brief.
The cot I might have warmed
Stood in Harrods shop window.
When my passing was told
My father smiled.
No grief filled my empty space
My death was celebrated
With two tickets to see Danny la Rue
Who was pretending to be a woman
Like my mother was.

Spike Milligan
Tel Aviv 8th February 1972
Do you have any info on this? I just recently saw a report from them stating that PP gave out poor rated condoms. Which is not much of a shock.
Exactly. Because then when girls get pregnant from poorly made condoms, guess who they’ll go to for an abortion…
I have read the report about condoms, I actually found it pretty damning IMO.

I did look up the article you reported. I agree the wording is not pro-life, and on the side of pro-abortion. Its even classifed as health catagory. I think it is not right for a supposadly “Un-Biasd” company to report like this.
I find this very difficult. Although I vehemently disagree with the intention of the abortion lobby and know that they are wrong in what the think and do I find it very difficult to question their sincerity.

Whether you agree or not they have a point of view, no matter how misguided. To add such comments as some of these accusing people of purposely selling or supplying faulty condoms is not only mischevious it borders on the slanderous.
Again I find myself being ashamed of my own Christian Brothers and Sisters who stoop to this kind behaviour, it does nothing to convince people of our sincerity and simply gives ammunition to those whose views are not the same as our own.

If you truly want people to accept our viewpoint and to understand what Christianity is really all about then we must act like Christians and behave as Christ would wish. These are the times to read Pauls letters, it was for just such reasons as these that he wrote many of them.
Whether you agree or not they have a point of view, no matter how misguided. To add such comments as some of these accusing people of purposely selling or supplying faulty condoms is not only mischevious it borders on the slanderous.
Only one comment was made to the fact.
And quite frankly, I wouldn’t put it past the organization to do such a thing.

Satan is beyond love. This organization is an embodiment of Satan. The orginization is beyond love.

We should pray for the conversion of all those involved with Planned Hellfire, not worry about slandering him who is Slander.
Hi Ya"ll ,I reported here on this Issue here on 1-4-2005 in the theology forum and elsewhere, and I was Given a Cold reception to say the least,I was Called"Hysterical" and Told “I should get my priorities straight”. I Was Grinded for Spelling mistakes? People, I Guess the Reporter at and Did"nt think I was 'Hysterical" Thank you for your support!NOT! Peace
Hi Ya"ll ,I reported here on this Issue here on 1-4-2005 in the theology forum and elsewhere, and I was Given a Cold reception to say the least,I was Called"Hysterical" and Told “I should get my priorities straight”. I Was Grinded for Spelling mistakes? People, I Guess the Reporter at and Did"nt think I was 'Hysterical" Thank you for your support!NOT! Peace
You must have found the wrong chunk of us. 🙂
I find this very difficult. Although I vehemently disagree with the intention of the abortion lobby and know that they are wrong in what the think and do I find it very difficult to question their sincerity.

Whether you agree or not they have a point of view, no matter how misguided. To add such comments as some of these accusing people of purposely selling or supplying faulty condoms is not only mischevious it borders on the slanderous.
Again I find myself being ashamed of my own Christian Brothers and Sisters who stoop to this kind behaviour, it does nothing to convince people of our sincerity and simply gives ammunition to those whose views are not the same as our own.

If you truly want people to accept our viewpoint and to understand what Christianity is really all about then we must act like Christians and behave as Christ would wish. These are the times to read Pauls letters, it was for just such reasons as these that he wrote many of them.
You just can’t bring yourself to say anything against a liberal cause can you? Would you have been ashamed of Christ when he threw the money changers out of the temple? The people here are simply calling a spade a spade.
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